Eighth Grade: Part 1

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"SO long story short in 8th grade we dated twice, and he kissed me.." I said, knowing she would want details.

"Wha.. Wait. Details, NOW" Megan exclaimed.

"Okay, okay." I giggled. 


In the beginning of 8th grade he told on of my friends he still like me, and I felt I was ready this time. Although; nothing really  big happened the first time we dated in 8th grade. 

It lasted about a week.


 "Okay, before I have to clarify something before I continue." 

"What?" She said.

"The main reason I ended it both times in eighth grade were because, probably because we were just middle schoolers, he was just such an awkward boyfriend. He was the bestest best friend a girl could ask for. But once our title changed, he became a different person, who apologized for everything, and couldn't have fun. But I regret ending it." I explained.

"That's it." I said.

"Okay, keep going!!!" Megan laughed.


We mutually decided to end it. I don't really know what the real reason, except that I didn't like the person he became when we dated. You know the awkwardness. 

About a month after he decided to ask out my best friend at the time. (which I found out later that he did that in order to get me jealous). I'm not sure, but being the pathetic person I was/am it did make me jealous. 

After the broke up (about two months after), I asked someone to push him to ask me out again. And I really wanted him to, and 

I said yes. :)

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