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I had to take another shower. Chris really pissed me off. I realized the only thing he wanted was sex. All he thought about was sex.

When I was done taking another shower, I dried my hair, and blow dried it. Then I straightened it. It took me at least an hour to do that, if not more, then I quickly put my dress on. I did my makeup, going for a natural look, and then checked the time. Damn it. I was 5 minutes late. I quickly put on my heels, and got my phone. As I walked lot the door, I realized this wasn't the dress I picked out. I looked back at the place I got it from, and there was a note there. It said, "put this on instead." It was Chris. I know it. Ugh! I quickly changed into my other outfit, the one I pre planned, and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw more people than before

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When I got downstairs, I saw more people than before.

"Hey, Chris?" I asked.

"Yeah babe?"

"Um, who are these people?" I asked.

"I'll introduce you!" He said. I saw that he was wearing a tuxedo. He introduced me to his aunt Patty, and uncle Johnny who had 2 year old twins, Daniel and David, his other grandparents, and his other cousins, from oldest to youngest, Bobby, Joseph, Tyrone, and Isabella. There were a lot of boys in this family. They were all nice and helpful. Like Chris. But they would be annoying at times. Like Chris.

"Hey babe, listen-"

"Chris, stop. I don't think you even understand this simple concept as to why I'm mad at you." I said.

"Baby. Don't be mad." He hugged me, but I pushed him off.

"How can I not be mad at you when all you wanna do is have sex with-"

"I'm not always wanting sex from you. I mean, I enjoy it, but I'm not really thinking about it 24/7." He said.

"But you've been talking about it it this whole time!" I said.

"Was I? Sorry." He smiled. Then I hugged him. "I like what you're wearing ma. It really shows off dat ass!" He smirked.

"Chris!" I pushed him playfully. He carried me bridal style. "For real tho, put me down before everyone sees my vag." I said.

He put me down and slapped my ass. I jumped a little from the sudden connection, but then I smirked at him from behind my shoulder.

He bit his lip, following me into the kitchen. I helped mama J set the table with Chris, Nick and Jenny. Once we finished, mama J went to go get ready. I saw the 2 year olds running around the house. Riley was play fighting Tyrone. Huey was working on that machine. Lydia and Isabella were the same age, so they played, Bobby and Joseph on their phones. The adults were talking amongst each other.

I looked over at Chris who was tickling David. I saw Daniel jumping on the couch. Where was fluffy tho? I looked around to see a blue/gray figure on a bookshelf in the living room.

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