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I was at my photoshoot getting my makeup done.

"Listen. Karrueche, you get to do a solo shoot, and then with someone else. Okay?" The photographer said.

"Kk! Thanks!" I said. Then we finished the makeup. The person with the clothes brought the clothes.

It was literally panties and a bra. It was a Calvin Klein shoot.

"Okay. Let's do this!" I said. I changed into the underwear in the changing rooms,

Then I walked out. The person who gave me the clothes, unbuttoned the shirt, and put it loosely on me.

"Okay. You ready?" She asked. I nodded. "Let's go!" I said. I walked out to the  photographer, to see


I was filming the music video for Back to Sleep. I called my friend. She was down to be in it. We were friends since a young age. Our moms were best friends back in Virginia, so we hung out. She was living in California now, so I called her over.

"Chris, thanks for inviting me to do this!" She said hugging me.

"No problem. I would only be comfortable doin this with my best friend!" I told her.

"Ya." She agreed.

"Places everyone!" The camera guy yelled. I got out and she was at the counter. I started with talking in the phone. Then I walked in the house. She was wearing black lingerie. Even tho she was best friend, she was hot! I kissed her and grabbed her waist.


We finished the video, and we went out to lunch to just hang out.

(Watch the music video! It's so good!)

After we had lunch, we went our separate ways.

I went to Nia's house. I still can't believe Kae took the house I bought, and she took a lot of my money.

"Hey babe! I made some food. Um. I don't know if you're hungry?" She asked.

"I'm sorry baby. I just ate. Maybe for dinner." I said.

"Oh. Okay." She said. Then she finished up and cleaned up.

"Listen. I'm sorry if I went out to lunch." I told her.

"It's fine. I didn't know." She said.

I nodded and kept watching tv.

Then the door opened.

I look over to see a guy hugging Nia.

"Oh. Hi. You the guy who got my girl pregnant?" He asked me.

"Babe. That's not necessary now." Nia told him.

"Of course it's necessary! You my girl! I love you! This nigga shouldn't be getting my girl pregnant!" He said.

"Uh Nia. I just remembered I have this meeting with my manager. I'll see you later. See you 'round man." I said as I walked out and left. He was pissing me off. I guess he's lucky I left, or he would've left with a black eye and a broken jaw.

I just never wanna see that dumb ass nigga again.


I walked out to the photographer, to see the most hottest man on the face of the earth wearing some Calvin Klein boxers!!

I walked out to the photographer, to see the most hottest man on the face of the earth wearing some Calvin Klein boxers!!

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"Hi. Um. Do I do the solo shoot first?" I asked.

"Yes. Just stand there." The photographer said. He gave me direction, and I posed. He took a lot of pics. The music was playing, and we were all having a good time.

"Girl! You gon kill yourself if you don't blink!" Leo said in his southern voice.

"Okay Leo!" I laughed.

"Alright! Carter! Get in position!" He yelled.

"Aight. I'll be there in 2 seconds!" He called.

"Kae! Stop staring! It's rude!" Leo said.

"Sorry." I said. I looked over one last time, and he also looked at me. We both quickly looked away. I looked over my shoulder to see a bulge in his boxers. Damn! That was hot. And it was a pretty long and big bulge too!

"Girl, yo face all red. Why you blushing? He ain't even that cute." Leo said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said.

"And you gave him a big ass boner! What's wrong with yo ass, girl?" He asked while laughing.

"Calm down. He's coming this way. Please don't embarrass me!" I said.

"You're only embarrassing yourself." He said.

"Hi there. You must be Karrueche?" He asked.

"Ya. You're Carter, right?" I asked.

He nodded. "Ya. So if-"

"Positions! Let's go!" The photographer said.

"We should head over." I said.

"Okay." He said. We walked to the white backdrop, and started following the orders of the photographer. I was supposed to wrap my legs around his waist and hug him. I felt his bulge on me. I resisted a moan. Then we were supposed to stare at each other, and stay serious. It was kind of hard, cause we would laugh every 2 seconds.

"Okay. Okay. Let's actually like focus!" I laughed.

"Okay." He said. We took a lot of pictures, then took a look at them.

"These are really good! Wow! I'm impressed!" The photographer said.

"Thanks." We said at the same time. We both blushed a bit.

After the shoot, we went out for lunch.

He was a really nice guy. I got to know him. He said he wanted to become a supermodel. I agreed. I offered for him to come to that rehearsal because we were one person short.

I told my manager about him. She agreed with me that he should stay and join me in other shoots because we were really good together.

Then his manager was talking with mine. Basically, we were getting all close and shit.

A week later, we were all out for lunch having a meeting.

"Hey Kae. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me." He whispered.

"Ya. I would love to!" I whispered back.

"Aight. Let's get back to this meetin and shit." He said.

I nodded. Then we continued this meeting.

Thanks for reading! Comment on the book! It's gonna be ending soon, so also comment on what you wanna read. 😍😍 Love y'all! Xoxo

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