348 21 2

Riley Freeman

I was bored as hell! Granddad wouldn't give me that damn I phone! I don't give a fuck if the apocalypse comes! That'll be dope! I needed my I phone!

I went outside to sit at the pool. I walked out, and saw Karrueche sleeping on Chris who was on those chairs you lay down on to get a tan.

I walked back in the house with a thought in my head.

"Yo Huey! Ya know how Chris and Kae be all mushy and sleepin together?" I asked him.

"Ya. Leave them alone." He said.

"C'mon! It's gon be funny! You need a laugh man!" I tried to persuade.

"Naw man! Go talk to Sham and Lydia or some shit!" He said.

"Your no fun!" I said. Just then, I had an idea. "I'll help you get your luggage with your apocalypse machine thing!" I said.

"Now how you gon do that?" He asked.

"I have my ways. Trust me! I can do that shit!" I said confidently.

He sighed. "Alright. But only cause of the machine to save humanity as we know it." He said. Man! He was so deep!

"Yo, mama J! Can we have a few buckets? We wanna play a game!" I said.

"Here you kids go." She said giving us some colorful, medium sized buckets.

"Thanks!" I said as I ran upstairs. Huey got Sham to be in on it. Lydia was chickening out.

"So, from this balcony, you throw the water in them, and then run in. Aight?" I told them.

They all nodded. "Okay. 1, 2, 3, go." I said. Then we threw the water on themC and ran inside. We left the buckets in the bathroom, and we went back to the living room.


I was having the best dream. I owned a house with Chris, and we were walking the the enormous backyard together. There was a sunset and we were about to kiss.

Then I felt water on my face so I jolted up. The worst part, was that Chris was so much bigger than me, and when he also jolted up, I fell in the pool! I swam up, and got out. I wasn't only pissed at whoever threw water at us, I'm also pissed at Chris for making me fall into the pool. Even tho it was accidental. He was so annoying!

"Baby! I am so-"

"Save it." I said. I think he could tell I was in a bad mood, cause he hugged me.

"Are you still gonna let me have sex with-"

"Is that all you care about?" I asked.

"No, but you said you might let me. I wanna get a yes/no answer!" He said.

"Then the answer is no! If all you wanna do is have sex, go to a club or something. Go to your ex!" I yelled.

"Babe! I love you the way you are! Can we-"

"No! You know what, I have to go get ready for dinner. I only have 4 hours." I said. Then I went into the house. I was soaking wet tho.

"Err. Mama J? Someone?" I call. I heard someone walk over. It was granddad.

"Oh, hello Karrueche! Why are you all wet? Was it Chris?" He asked.

"Kind of." I said.

"Damn it boy! I'm tellin you. That nigga don't know how to treat a fine woman, such as yourself." He said. He brought me a towel, and took me upstairs.

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