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I drove away. I didn't see why people used makeup. It made you seem kind of fake. I understood why Kylie wore makeup. She was being judged, and she wanted to feel good in front of the camera and for her boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. Lucky me!

As I drove, I wanted to get coffee. I parked and went into the shop. As I ordered a tall white mocha latte, I looked all over in my purse.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I forgot my wallet at home!" I said. I put my hand to my forehead.

"Excuse me love? Do you mind if I pay for your drink?" Someone asked while holding my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see a hot guy!

 I looked over my shoulder to see a hot guy!

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"Uh. S-sure!" I said. He smiled and swiped his credit card.

"Thanks." I said.

"What your name girl?" He asked.

"Karrueche." I told him.

"What a beautiful name. Mine is Cameron. You can call me Cam." He said. "I'm new in Calabasas." He said.

"Really? Where are you from?" I asked.

"Carolina." He said.

"Wow! That's on the other side of the country!" I said. "Why'd you move here?" I asked.

"I wanna play football for California." He said.

"M-my dads the coach at the high school." I said.

"Oh yeah. I'm gonna go to that school! I'm gonna start on Monday!" He said.

"That's great." I said.

"White mocha latte for Karrueche!" The Starbucks lady said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Listen.  I gotta go." He said. "Maybe I'll see you in some of my classes?" He said.

"Yeah. Bye." I said.

He threw his coffee away, and walked out.

I sat at a table, and drank my latte as I went on my phone.

"Excuse me miss. You're Karrueche, right?" A Starbucks worker asked.

"Ya. Why?"

"This cookies for you." She said.

"But...I didn't get a cookie." I said.

"Listen Hun. I can't do anything bout that. Here you go." She said as she handed me the Starbucks paper bag. I opened it as she walked away to make some drinks.

The cookie was a heart, and it said, "See You." It was definitely from Cam. I smiled a bit, and took a small bite from the cookie bit was chocolate chip! My favorite! But...how'd he know? I guess he just assumed I like chocolate because everyone likes that flavor.

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