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1 month later...


My girl was already so big, she look like she gon pop any second. Her due date was close tho, so I'm not surprised.

"Chris. Please stay loyal to me." Nia said.

"Okay. We'll stay as friends. How bout that?" I asked.

"Chris!" She whined.

"Nia, I'm sorry baby. It just won't work out like that. If things change, I promise I'll let you know." I said. Then I kissed her forehead, and went upstairs to take a shower.

When I came back down, she looked bored as fuck.

"Hey girl. You wanna go somewhere?" I asked.

"Sure. Where to?"

"It's a surprise." I smirked at her.

"Okay. You know I love a good surprise." She smiled.

"Okay. Get in the car." I smiled back.

I drove her to the movie theaters, so we can watch a movie.

"I see some paparazzi!" She said kind of nervously.

"It's okay. We'll be fine. They can't do anything." I said.

"Okay." She said sounding reassured.

*after the movie*

"Oh my god Chris! I think my water just broke!" She said frantically.

"Okay. Stay calm. I'm gonna get you to the nearest hospital!" I said. I didn't want to put her in anymore stress than she's going through.

"It hurts so bad! Please hurry!" She said.

"I'm trying." I told her. I was speeding along, when I hear sirens. I look in the rear view mirror to see the cops.

"Damn it!" I yelled. I took a turn to the hospital, and parked in front. Then I got out, opened her door, and carried her inside the hospital.

"Can you get a room please?" I asked quickly.

"Yes." The person said. I saw nurses coming with a stretcher. They put her on, then took her to another room. I followed.

"Baby. Calm down. I'm here for you. Just breath, it'll be over in a sec, and we'll be holding our little baby girl." I said. Hopefully I encouraged her, because she really needed it now.

"Okay. 1,2,3, push." The doctor said.

"Yeah. Push baby. You can do it!" I said. She was breathing really heavily.

"You can do it! Come on!" I said.

I saw her face turn red with struggle. Then she let out a sigh of relief, and she caught her breath.

"Congratulations!" The doctor said. I watched as Nia held our baby in her arms.

"What should we name her?" Nia asked. I looked in the eyes and she did the same.

"I know..." I said. Then we had this connection. And we just said it together.



Not that I care or anything, but Chris' baby was just born, and he named her Royalty.

My sister had a baby last month and named her Brooklyn. She's such a cute bundle of joy!

Anyway, Chris had the audacity to call me and ask if he could come over. Of course, I said no. But I know he's still gonna come.

Just then, the doorbell rang. I put Athena down, and went to the door. I opened it, only to see a face I wish I never met.

"Hey. I missed you Kae." He said.

"I missed you too, Chris." I said. We hugged, then I let him in.

"So...we on good terms now?" He asked.

"Oh, hell naw! I was just being nice!" I said.

"Right. Listen. I'm sorry I had that baby. Okay? I guess she was a mistake, right? Is that what you think?!" He asked.

"No! Of course not! I think your actions were mistakes. She's gonna grow up to be a great person." I said.

"Thanks." He said.

"You having sex with Nia is why I'm not with you right now." I said.

Then he smirked. Uh oh. "You wanna have sex?"

"No!" I said.

"Kae. I wanted to have that baby with you!" He said.

"Too late for that now." I said.

"But I love you so much! Why can't you love me the way I do?!" He yelled.

"Listen, I'm sorry. We can still be friends, right?" I suggested.

Then he got a text. "Aight. Well. I'll be back another day. See ya!" Then with that, he left. And so did my hatred towards him. 😥😥 Where was this even going?


I was going home to the hospital cause she can't take the baby home yet.

I went into the room and hugged Nia. She looked weird, not all bloated.

"I missed you Chris." She said.

"Yeah. Me too. I'm so proud of you." I said.

"Aw! Thanks Breezy!" She smiled.

"I'm happy I had a baby with a beautiful woman." I said. She blushed.

"I'm happy I had a baby with a beautiful man!" She smiled.

"Anyway. Where is Royalty?" I asked.

"She's getting fixed up to those machines. She's perfectly safe. You wanna go check on her?" She asked.

"Sure." I said. As I walked to the door, I looked back at the bed she was in. She liked tired AF! 

"Aight. Get some sleep, girl." I said. She nodded, and laid back.

I went to the place where Roy was. Of course they made me stay behind that glass thing, but she seemed fine.

"She's in good condition. She's really healthy. You can take you daughter home in 2 days. She's just not old enough." The doctor said.

"Aight. Thanks. See you." I said as I walked out. I wanted to get with my boys.

Tyga invited me to this part, and of course I accepted.

Let's just say, I had the time of my life!! 👌🏾🎉🎉

Hey everyone!! I'm gonna write a sequel to this. I just don't know what to call it.

Thanks for all the support! Xoxo!! 😘😘

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