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Art was nearly over. I was cleaning up the blue and purple paint I was using to make a dusky sky.

"Man, why the fuck you so quiet today?" Tyga asked. "Is it Nia?" He asked. I didn't wanna tell him that coach benched me, otherwise I couldn't play today, and coach wouldn't be here today for practice!

"Ya. It's been botherin' me all day. I think I need to ball a bit to feel better. It always does." I said.

"Aight man! Let's not be late!" He said.

"Michael. Please walk when you exit!" The teacher said after the bell rang.

He walked until he reached the hallway, then he ran towards his locker at the speed of light. I walked at my own pace. I wasn't it a rush to get to basketball. Coach probably already told my mom what the fuck I did. Then she would bench me for more games than the season has in stock for us.

"Come on man. If it makes you feel any better, I cussed Nia out in the hall!" August said, clapping me on the back.

"Thanks man." I said. "C'mom. I gotta change."

"Aight. See ya man!" He called as he walked to the gym as he was already changed.


I was in the gym, when I see August walk my way.

"Hey ma! What's good?" He asked.

"Nothing much." I replied.

"Thas good. Listen. I've been noticing that Chris's been kinda down lately. You know anything that can bring him up?" He asked me.

"No. Wait...maybe you can take him to a party with you and Tyga. He'll get drunk, and have a good time!" I said

"That's a great idea! He loves parties!" He said.

"You're the best Karrueche!" He said. He kissed my forehead, and walked towards Tyga. I kept looking around, to see Sean talking to Ari.

"Alright guys! Lets go! In the middle. Now!" Mrs. Brown said.

Chris sat down with his friends. He looked guilty of something. I could tell.

"Alright. Mr. Tran isn't at practice today, so I'm taking on both classes." She said. "Everyone take 2 laps around the gym, and then we can get started." She said.

I ran with Mili and Ashley.

"Look! It's Chris!" Ashley said as she fantasized over him.

"Whatever. He has a girlfriend." I said.

"Not anymore! This morning she broke up with him!" She said.

"Yeah, but didn't you hear all the thugs she said about him?" I asked her.

"What...things." She said while out of breath.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that he doesn't care about her and that he uses her!" I said.

"Uh huh." She said as she kept staring at the back of Chris's head.

"Ashley! He's an asshole!" Mili deadpanned.

"No he's not!" She said.

"Whatever. Go date him for all I care! I warned you!" I said.

"Shit up Karrueche! You've only had a boyfriend once!" She said.

"So? I know enough!" I said.

"Would you two just shut the fuck up and keep running?" Mili said.

We both nodded and kept running until we ran 2 laps. Then we waited for everyone else as we stretched.

Once everyone was done, she told us to get into groups and chest pass the ball to each other. I was gonna go with my usual group, when August pulls me towards him. I bump into his chest, and he leads me to his group of friends.

"August. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothin ma. Just bringing you here!" He said.

"Ya, but-"

"Come on! Just pass the ball!" Sean said.

"I bet shawty can't even ball!" Tyga laughed. Another guy laughed too.

"Oh, I can." I said plainly.

"But you can't dunk!" He said.

"Yeah, but I can shoot 3's!" I said.

"Oh yeah? Do it! Coach is t here now!" Tyga said.

"Do it!" They all chanted.

"Okay! Just stop chanting!" I said. I blushed a little as I made eye contact with Chris.

Tyga started laughing as I just stood at the 3 line. I dribbled the ball a bit, and jumped. He blocked it and laughed.

"Man, fuck off!" Chris said.

"Yeah man! We're watching her ball!" August said.

"Okay! No need to gang up on me like that!" He said.

I dribbled the ball again a few times, and jumped with no one in my way this time. I let go of the ball, I watched the ball fly through the air, my arms in the same position as they were when they let the ball go. It went in, a perfect swish!

"Damn! She can ball!" August said, impressed.

"Psh. I can do the same thing!" He said.

"Okay then, do it!" Chris said.

He threw it and it went in.

"Fight me!" Tyga laughed.

"Whatever man. Let's go." Chris said.

"I was just joking around, Kar." Ty said to me.

"Okay. Whatever." I said, walking away from him.

I just remembered that my dad took my car! How was I gonna get home?! Ashley and Mili lived near each other on the other side of Calabasas! I couldn't ride with them!

"Ashley! How am I gonna get home? My dad took my car home!" I said.

"How do you know for sure?" She asked.

"He rides to school with me, and he has my car keys. And, he's not here today."

"I know who you can ride with!" I sexy voice said. Oh my good! No!

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