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I walked into the house, and saw Chris with 3 of his friends.

"Hey babe!" He said.

"Hey! Where've you been?" I asked. I wanted to see if he would lie to me.

"Just at the studio, and I, uh...just got home." He said. Sean, Trey, and August were nodding and agreeing.

"Really? Is that why when I got home, there was a party?" I asked.

"Oh. Uh. We were just hangin out." He smiled.

"There were strippers everywhere, and people were making out and almost having sex!" I yelled.

"Okay. It might of went outta hand a bit." He smiled nervously.

"Uh. We'll be outside." Trey said.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I didn't do anything that-"

"What did you do?" I asked slowly. I was so pissed and mad!

I went outside, and walked to Trey's car.

"Who'd he have sex with?" I asked.

"No one! He just had a few drinks." Trey told me.

"Okay. Whatever. Just leave. I need to talk to Chris." I said. Then I walked inside.

"Chris. I wanna say sorry again. For falsely accusing you." I said.

He hugged me. "It's fine babe." He said. I heard his phone ring, so he went to get it.

"Hello?" I heard yelling on the other line. And maybe some crying. "Hey. Calm down. Okay. I'll- ya. I'll be there in a few. Okay. Just, stay calm down." He said. Then he hung up.

"Uh. I'll be back." He told me. Then he ran out holding his head. I wonder where he was going.


I got a call from Nia. When I picked up the phone, she was crying, and sobbing, and all that sad shit. She was yelling too. She just told me to come over.

"Nia?" I called when I got in her house.

"Chris! Thank god you're here!" She said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I...you..." She sighed. "Here." She passed me a pregnancy test. I looked at it.

Positive. Damn it.

"Okay. Calm down girl. Uh." I didn't know what to do.

"How can I calm down? I'm having a baby with a man that isn't even with me!" She said.

I hugged her. "I'll support you." I said. Just cause we weren't together, didn't mean I had to be rude to her and leave.

"Thanks Chris." She kissed my cheek.

"No problem. Listen. My girlfriend wanted me to be at home. Call me if you need anything." I said. Then I kissed her forehead and walked out.

I drove home, and went straight to my room to sleep. I was tired of all this shit always happening to me. Except those other times, it wasn't my child.

"Why'd you leave like that?" Karrueche asked me.

"Well. I'd hate to lie to you." I said. Even tho I already did. "Um. You know Nia?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah. Uh. She's kind of pregnant. With my my child."

Her face looked confused, but mad at the same time. Now it was a more pissed look.

"What?! I thought you said you didn't have sex with anyone!" She yelled.

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