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*4 months later*


Nia was already 4 months pregnant, and her stomach looked huge!

We got along pretty well. That guy didn't come around anymore, so either he didn't wanna see me or he was done with Nia.

I love Nia tho. But I also love Karrueche. I haven't seen her for these past months, and I've been growing closer to Nia. I wanna go back with Kae, but I'm scared I'll hurt her again or she'll do something to hurt me.

"Chris. What should we name her?" Nia asked as I sat down at the island with her. We got that ultrasound done, and found out it was a girl.

"I told you. Either Clementine, or Coleen." I said.

"I was thinking along the lines of like Courtney, or Camille." She told me. We were heading in the direction of a name with a C.

"Ugh! I love all those names!" I said.

"I know! It's a tough decision. It also determines on what she looks like." Nia said.

I nodded. "Yeah. Um. Nia. I was gon go to the studio to record my new song 'Zero'. You wanna come?" I asked.

"I would love to baby!" She said.

"Aight! Let's go!" I said.

"Can you sing it for me on the way there?" She asked. That's what Kae would do.

"Naw. It's a surprise song!" I said.

"Okay." She said, still smiling. Then she looked me in the eyes with that sane beautiful smile she has. I smiled back.

"Chris. I know this is temporary, but I really love you, and you might not feel the same way." She started.

"I feel the same for you too babe. I wanna be with you!" I said.

"Ya. That's where I'm heading." She smiled.

"I kinda wanna get married, but I feel like after the baby is born, we'll separate again." I said.

"Same here." She agreed. When we reached the studio, I opened her door for her, and we took the elevator up.

"Hey Breezy! Yo! This yo girl?" Red asked.

"Ya man. This is Nia. Treat her well!" I said.

"Aight." He said. We sat down and talked a bit until my the studio director got here.

"Okay! Show me what you got!" He said. Then he turned the music on. I waited until the right moment, then sang.


I was out with Carter for the 100th time this month. We weren't dating. We just went out as friends. I felt like we should be more than friends, but I just didn't wanna get my heart broken again. Carter was a good guy and all, but I couldn't see us together like that.

"Kae. I really had a good time today. Thanks." He said.

"No problem. I enjoyed it too." I told him.

"My girlfriend just left me and all, so I didn't know if you got offended by my bad mood. Sorry if you did." He said.

"Oh. I didn't notice at all! You seemed like yourself. Thanks for telling me tho. I know what it feels like. And it's terrible." I said knowingly.

"Ya. It was just put of the blue. You know?" He asked.

"Ya. Hey. You don't think...it was cause we go out like this?" I asked.

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