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She kicked me out. I went to Trey's house so he can give me some shit to wear tonight. We both got ready and got in the car to get to dinner. I looked at the time, and saw it was already 8. At the restaurant, August, Tyga, Sean, Trey, and some of my other niggas.

We were at dinner for about 3 hours, then we went out to smoke a cigarette.

"Yo! Breezy! Ain't that yo ex?" Trey asked.

"Naw man. My ex in New York." I said.

"Aight. We should get to the club!" August said.

"Let's get to it then!" Trey said excitedly.

We got into our cars and drove to the club. We parked our cars, and headed in. We took a lot of pictures, then started the real fun. I bought Tyga a lot of drinks, and he bought be almost as many. Then everyone else joined in.

We took shots after shots. I noticed August almost drunk. He was tipsy. Soon enough, we were all drunk. I got like 3 lap dances, from super sexy women, and I had sex with a very hot woman! The details are a bit fuzzy tho.

I remember going to bed with someone, probably the woman I had sex with. Then I fell asleep.


I was at the beach. I was with my mom, Tyga, Chris, and some other woman. We were wearing bikinis. We appeared at some college, with paper rooms. It was like those paper walls in China. Someone behind the paper was stirring. We separated and we were in different hallways. I was in this hallway with Chris. We walked for a while, and then we were at a beach. We were on a swing set now. Then we got off. We walked for a bit. Then we found my mom, Tyga and the other woman. My mom left, and Chris and Tyga were on the floor parting their thighs can indicating that we sit on them. The other woman got on Tyga and I got on Chris. I rolled my hips on him and he was also rolling his hips. He was biting his lip and making the cutest face. His hands were on my hips, and I was staring at his face.

There was barking. I woke up to see Athena barking at something. I checked the time, and it was already 3 in the morning. Cris still wasn't home. He was so annoying! He hasn't called me since he left. I was getting worried, so I called. It went to voicemail after a few beeps. Then I calls again. Still no response. I try calling for another 5 minutes, then I gave up. He was such an annoying asshole! I played a bit with Athena until she got tired. Then I went back to sleep. Hopefully Chris will appear on the other side of the bed in the morning.


I woke up with a huge headache. I opened my eyes, and saw a super hot woman in bed with me. But it wasn't Kae. I quickly got out of the bed, and noticed I was naked. So was she. I think she was the one I had sex with. After I put my clothes back on, I went around the bed to see who I slept with. It was Nia! I just stood there, shocked of what I saw. She stirred a little, and I ran out. I checked the time. It was 9 in the morning. Damn. I got my keys and quickly drove to my place. When I pulled up into the driveway, I got out, and knocked on the door. No response. Then I rang the doorbell a few 100 times. Still no response. Then, I heard barking! It was Athena! I'm so happy I got that dog for her!

"What is it Athena?" I heard a muffled sound asked from behind the door.

Then it opened. "Oh. It's just you." She said. Then she closed it. But I pushed my way through.

"Hey babe!" I said. 

"Don't 'hey babe' me! I've been worried about you all night, and I was hoping you'd show up when I wake up. I was wrong!" She yelled.

"Listen. I'm sorry. I promise I'll be there tonight." I smiled.

"You promise?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said as I pulled her into my embrace.

"Go take a shower. You smell like vodka and smoke." She said with a disgusted look on her face. I just laughed and went up.


I was beyond pissed at this man. He said he was going to Tyga's birthday yesterday, and I find out he was at a club! He didn't even tell me! I just decided to wait until he got out of the shower.

Meanwhile, I cuddles Athena, and she licked my hands. "I wish Chris was more considerate." I told her. She just tilted her head at me. She was a good listener. I kissed her head, and put her down. I took her for a walk this morning, and she ran a lot. I think she's tired now.

"Aight babe. Let's do something!" Chris said, joining me at the island in the kitchen.

"Okay. Let's talk." I said. 


"Last night. Where were you? I saw all over TMZ that you were at the club." I said.

"Listen babe. We went to a restaurant, then we hung out. Trey wanted us to go to a club, so we all went." He said.

"And then you get drunk, and stay at some bitch's house!" I yelled.

"Naw. That's not-"

"Then where were you this morning?" I asked him. He stopped.

"Okay. I was at some bitch's house. But I was drunk. I didn't have sex with her tho. We were still in our clothes when I woke up." He explained. I didn't say anything.

"Chris. I feel like you're avoiding me and getting out of my life slowly." I said quietly.

"Oh, baby! I'll never leave you!" He smiled. That made me smile a bit. "Sorry bout the misunderstandings. I will never ever love another woman! You're the only one my eyes are on!" He smirked.

"Aw!" Then I sighed. "Sorry for always jumping to conclusions." I said quietly.

"Anyway. I'll see you later I gotta go to the studio and record my new song." He smiled.

I nodded. "Okay. I have to go see my manager in an hour."

"Is it with that Leo guy?" He asked.

"Yeah. But trust me. Nothing is gonna get between us." I smiled.

"Aight. Just keep a close eye out for that nigga." He said. Then he kissed my forehead, and then the top of my head, and walked out.

I went upstairs to get ready to meet up with my manager again.


I wanted to release my song, "Back to Sleep". I was writing it years ago, but when I started working on other songs, I lost that whole tune and beat. I was working with some people to help with the publishing. I finally got it down.

"Chris. You need to make an album for all your songs!" My manager said.

"Yeah. I just don't know what to call it. I was thinking Kae Pop. But it's already her lip kit line." I explained.

"You'll come up with it sooner or later." He encouraged.

"Aight." I said.

"You wanna work on a music video? You can make a lot of money off those!" He said.

"Okay. Oh! You think I can feature Kae?" I asked.

"Yes! It'll be this whole thing with Kae and you! You can make-"

"I can make all the music videos one whole story!" I said. 

"That's what I was gonna say!" He smiled.

"Aight. When should we get started?" I asked.

"We'll have everything ready by Thursday. See you then." My manager said. I thanked him, and walked out. I would love for Kae to be in this!

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