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*4 months later*

I was doing fine on my own. I decided to just stay friends with Nia, cause someday I will be with Kae. I feel it in my gut.

"Chris. I wanna go somewhere." She said.

"Where you wanna go?" I asked.

"I don't know. But somewhere we can keep the baby safe." She said.

"Well. Unless you tell me where, I have no clue." I told her. Then I continued scrolling on IG.

"How bout we go on to the beach?" She asked.

"Bae. Too many paps there." I replied.

"How bout a concert?" She asked.

"Baby. I'm famous. There are paparazzi everywhere!" I said.

"Okay. How bout we just go to a restaurant?" She asked. I nodded.

"That's reasonable." I said.

"Okay then! Oh wait. But I just made food. And you're not even hungry." She said.

"Yeah. Sorry babe." I said.

"Whatever. I'm going to sleep." She said. I understand why she was tired. She was 8 months pregnant!


I was on my phone. Then I got a notification. It read, "@Chrisbrownofficial liked your photo." He was always liking things.

"Kae. Can we please get together?" He DM'd me.

Then I replied, "Chris, I though we were over!"

"C'mon. Give me another chance. If I hurt you again, then you can leave me for good." He wrote.

"I'm sorry Chris. You've done enough damage. And plus, I'm seeing some other people."

"Well. I'm always gonna be here if you need me." He replied.

"Okay." Then I turned my phone off.

There was basking again! Ugh! I walked towards the noise. Then I see Athena barking at her own reflection. But I see something else.

"Oh my gosh! Did you have to chew my Nikes?" I asked.

She looked sad, and whined a bit. I held my head.

Then I called Leo. "Hi. Listen. Do you have a place to train dogs? Yeah! It's Athena! She's acting up. Like you said she would. Okay. See you. Bye." Then I hung up.

"You're a bad dog Athena!" I said. Then I walked out to the kitchen. She followed me.

"What do you want?" I asked. She just stared back at me. "Don't give me that look!" I said. She still looked at me with those sorrowful eyes. "I need to take you somewhere so you won't chew through my belongings!" I said. She whined again. I carried her and held her in my arms. "You are so lucky you're cute." I laughed.

Then Leo burst in. "Hey girl. I'll take care of Athena." He said.

"She's so cute tho! I love her! I can't let her go." I said.

"But Chris gave her to you." He said.

"I guess I wanna keep her for that reason." I said. Then I smiled.

"Aw! You still miss Breezy!" He said.

"Whatever. No I don't. I'm with Carter. Remember?" I reminded him.

"Naw. I thought you two was just friends!" He said.

I shrugged. "He said we should be more than friends."

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