Ichimatsu x Ghost!Reader

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That night Ichimatsu walked back to his home. He had just come back from Chibita's Oden stand.

When he walked, he saw a girl sitting on a park bench.

There is nothing special about the girl. Just an ordinary girl who is sitting.

Ichimatsu walked past the girl. Just as he passed by, he saw a small cat that looked at him.

"What? Are you hungry?" Ichimatsu approached the cat and put some cat food out of his pocket. "Eat this.."

After the cat was eating, Ichimatsu immediately continue his way to home.


Ichimatsu turned to the origin of the sound.

That girl.

"What do you want?" Ichimatsu asked.

She raised her head gently. "Help me!"

Ichimatsu a little surprised by what she'd said. "Sorry?"

"Please!" said the girl. Her eyes began to glisten. "I need your help! I'm scared!"

Seeing the girl wanted to cry, Ichimatsu immediately looked around in shock. "Why not someone else?"

"Other people are evil."

"What do you mean? So you think I'm not one of them?"

The girl nodded. "Yes!"

Ichimatsu rarely regarded as a good person. He feels uncomfortable when a stranger call him like that. "I'm not a good person!"

"You're a good one! I'm sure of it!"

"Why are you so sure?"

"Since I saw you feed on the cat. I feel you're a good person."

Ichimatsu not think the girl's reason was so ridiculous. "There are still many others who are better than me! Find somebody else!"

"Can not!" The girl shook her head. "Only you!"

"Why just me?!" Ichimatsu so upset.

"Because..." She turned to the other side. Followed by Ichimatsu.

There were two young girls who were having a conversation. "Look, a crazy man who was talking to himself looked up at us!"

"We'd better go before he sent his "creature" to curse us!" said the other girl and they left.

Ichimatsu didn't believe what he was heard. He immediately looked at the girl with shock.

The girl was still normal.



"Where are your legs?!" Ichimatsu shouted when he realized that the girl in front of him was hovering. Without legs.

She was re-glazed. "I don't know!"


"I don't know where are my legs go! This is terrible!! I can still walk without legs!!" She cried.

"E-eh.." Ichimatsu was thinking again of the girl's request. "All right. What can I do for you?"

The girl's mood soon changed. "You want to help me?"

Ichimatsu nodded.

"Actually, I don't know where I was. No! I'm not really know. I just... don't remember. I could vaguely feel myself passed this way. But I don't really remember!"

Ichimatsu so believing rumors that the dead will forget their previous life. However, the question is; is the girl in front of him is dead? Is this girl was ghost? Then, why Ichimatsu can see her?

Ichimatsu cleared his throat. "Do you feel... that you've... Dead?"

The girl was silent. Then smiled. "No way! I'm still alive!"

"Then, where your legs?"

"I don't know."

"That means you're dead!"

Her expression changed again. "I was dead ?! No! No way! If I'm dead, then how my life? Am I going to continue to be curious ghost?!"

Ichimatsu breathed. "Listen, I will help you to find your dead-body and you're out of my sight."

The girl stared at Ichimatsu. "Don't said dead-body!! But okay, I agree. Let's go!"

"Wait!" Ichimatsu instructed the girl to follow him. They took a detour further.

"Hey! Hey! Why do we have to walk on this way? It's so quiet here... I'm afraid.."

Spechless Ichimatsu could only hear the words of the girl. "Don't be so afraid! You don't know how scared you are!"

The girl was silent and go walking, no, hovering near to Ichimatsu. Until finally they saw a large crowd gathered at one place.

She was silent for a moment when looked at the crowd. However, she soon drifted rapidly toward the crowd. Followed by Ichimatsu were surprised when she drifted away like that.

"Oi! What's up?" Ichimatsu asked. He saw the girl that is glued to the corpse in front of him now. The body was no longer have legs. Ichimatsu had seen before the body was covered by a cloth and gangs disbanded.

Ichimatsu glanced at the girl who was still stunned.

"I forgot to ask..." Suddenly she spoke. "What's your name?"

Ichimatsu silent for a moment. He straight-fowarded his stare. "Ichimatsu. Matsuno Ichimatsu."



Ichimatsu turned.

"That was me, huh?"

Ichimatsu silent. "Don't you already know?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. I don't remember my own face. When passing any mirror, my image doesn't exist."

Ichimatsu nodded. "Yeah. That was you."

"Oh, I see..."

Ichimatsu turned to the girl. Just his feeling or the girl's voice started to shrinking? And sure enough, when Ichimatsu turned, the girl was already half gone.

"H-hey! Where are you going?"

"You know, Ichimatsu? Spirit of curiosity will disappear after their curiosity was paid off. So am I.." She smiled. "I have one last request...."

A few weeks later, Ichimatsu attend to a funeral ceremony. He attended the funeral of the girl he met yesterday.

"..I want you to come to my funeral!"

That was what she said.

Ichimatsu couldn't resist. It was her last request. Though he didn't know anyone who attended the funeral. Moreover... That was the request of a ghost.

Ichimatsu had just entered the funeral ceremony...

"Crowded, huh? I didn't know that I was so famous!"

Ichimatsu quickly overlooking to the sound origin. "What are you doing here?!"

The girl smiled at Ichimatsu. "You are my next curious!"




[A/N: well, seems this one is the longest, huh? For this time. And, Griffengirl99, this is your request. I'm sorry if you're not satisfied with this one. You know, I'm just an amateur author. Please forgive my grammar if there is some wrong words. I'll try my best!]

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