//chapter one//

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Patrick Stump didn't know why he'd been set up on a blind date. All he had really wanted was an opportunity to meet someone, and he hadn't wanted any anxieties about it beforehand. Still, he had to go through with it, even if he was nervous. It felt weird to have someone actually waiting for him, and it was weirder to know that they'd probably be disappointed if he didn't turn up. Patrick really wasn't used to having to impress people, everyone who he knew was over expecting too much from him by now. That was kind of sad, when he thought about it, but he knew he couldn't let that get to him.

Patrick's date was at a little cafe, not too far away from where he lived. He was glad it was so close, because that left him more time to get ready. It wasn't like that took him a long time, but he had a tendency to put things off for as long as he could, especially when he was nervous, which he definitely was. Patrick tried to clear his head, and get ready without thinking about everything that could go wrong. It didn't go that well, but he was ready to leave, even if he was still thinking about every way this could go badly.

When Patrick got there, there was nearly no one else in the cafe. That only made him worry more, he'd always been told to meet people in public places with lots of other people around, and this was the opposite of that. Patrick really was trying to stop himself from worrying so much, but it was becoming more and more difficult. He sat himself down at one of the tables, and waited. He didn't know who he was even waiting for, so he hoped whoever he was waiting for had some idea of who he was.

It had been at least ten minutes since Patrick had sat down, and there still seemed to be no sign of anyone else coming into the cafe. He wasn't sure how to take it. Had he been stood up? Was his date running late? He didn't know who they were going to be, so it was difficult for him to decide why they weren't here yet. Patrick felt stupid for telling himself they'd be disappointed if he didn't come, since they didn't even care enough to come themselves. He'd made up his mind, his date just didn't care enough to come, and he was offended by that. Patrick didn't feel like he was worth much, but he was worth some kind of explanation.

The cafe was still nice, though, and Patrick was pretty thirsty. Despite his date not turning up, he still wanted to get a drink. He went up to the counter and ordered a coffee, it was nothing too fancy, just an average latte. Patrick was still offended that his date hadn't arrived, but that was slowly turning itself into sadness. He didn't know who it would have been, but they wouldn't have been that bad. It was him, though, it always was. He felt like it was his fault that they didn't come.

Patrick got his drink and went back to his table. He took a sip, and sighed. He hadn't wanted to go on a blind date, but now here he was, and whoever else was supposed to come hadn't gone either. He stared out of the window sadly, and watched as people walked past. Some of them couples, who he found himself incredibly jealous of, others were by themselves, but Patrick knew they probably had someone at home. His sadness was becoming bitterness now, and he wished he hadn't bothered coming.

Just as he considered getting up and leaving, Patrick heard the door open, and his head twisted around. He didn't think it was possible for someone to look single, but this guy did. Patrick felt sorry for him, they were probably in the same position right now. He felt most sorry for himself, though, he was nowhere near as cute as this guy.

As if the stranger could read Patrick's thoughts, he came over and sat down opposite him. Patrick wanted to test that, and started trying to telepathically tell him to go away because he wasn't in the mood for people right now.

"Listen, uh," the kind of attractive stranger mumbled, "I'm sorry I'm late. I'd blame, um, the traffic but I live over there so... that would be a lie."

Patrick felt stupid, the poor guy didn't look single anymore, he looked completely terrified. He wasn't sure if that was nerves, though, or if there was just something else on his mind.

"That's okay," Patrick said with a smile, it was a lie, but this guy didn't look like he need to know that, "so, what's your name?"
"Pete," he said quietly, nodding, "what's yours?"
"Patrick, Patrick Stump. I'm glad you got here, I was about to leave."

Pete's eyes widened at that news, as if he didn't think he was that late. Patrick tried to be nice about it, though, Pete honestly looked like someone he loved had just been brutally murdered.

"You were?" Pete asked before Patrick could explain himself, "Look, I'm not having the best week, okay? My life has kind of gone to shit around me, and I was only ten minutes late. I'm pretty sure that I did a damn good job getting here at all."
"I w-- I'm sorry..." Patrick mumbled, unsure of how to react to Pete's sudden outburst. He'd seemed calm, but Patrick had seen first hand how he really was. It wasn't bad, just a bit of a sudden shock.
"It's okay, it's okay! Shit, you're upset, aren't you?" Pete asked, shaking his head, "I didn't mean it however you think I did, I'm just having a fucking awful week. It's Friday now, though, so there's always next week for everything to get better."

Patrick was worried that Pete wasn't completely stable. He was saying a lot of conflicting things, and his mood was swinging around a lot. Patrick didn't think his friends would set him up with someone they didn't think he would like. He was starting to doubt them, though, Pete was a difficult person for him to understand.

"Pete," Patrick said, sighing, "are you okay? You don't sound it, at all, actually. Do you really want to be here? You don't seem like you do."
Pete bit his lip, "I'm fine, I promise. I really wanted to come, but it probably wasn't a good idea."
Patrick nodded, "We could try again another day, if you'd like to. Give me your number, I'll call you when I'm free."
"Uh, you should give me your number, then I can call you when I'm not having some kind of breakdown."

In the end, they both have each other their numbers. It didn't need to be a debate, but it somehow ended up being one. Still, now that they both had each other's numbers, they could call whenever they wanted. Patrick was glad because he thought he didn't like Pete, but he was wrong, he liked him a lot.

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