Notes From the Studio

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Hey Sal,

I hope the week is treating you nicely.

I just wanted to touch base about one of the notes you sent over.

It's good stuff. I mean that. All your notes are good, but I can really see where you're going with this one. The page is just dripping with tension. I'm only reading it and I already know the viewers will eat it up.

I get why you're doing it too, really I do and believe me, I understand your position better than most. Things have gotten a little dull around here lately, and I know that if they don't start picking up soon – it'll be all our heads.

I'm just a little surprised is all.

When I sent over this week's script, I thought it was already pretty "challenging." I love that job. I know losing a job isn't exactly Poe, but I was laying a foundation. I had plans. I guess I could have been a little more graceful in the execution, or beat around the bush a little less, but to scrap the entire plot and change it to this... This is...

Don't get wrong, I'm not one to run away from a challenge.

Remember that time a couple years back when I wrote in that gorgeous, leggy blonde model, and you had me change her into a brunette Librarian who "could stand to lose ten pounds?" At first I thought you were out of your mind, but five years later, and the viewers love her almost as much as I do.

And don't forget when you told me that Dan was going to break his back instead of his arm in that car accident. I spent a whole day arguing with you about that one, but in the end, you got your way and like usual – you were right. From a filler script to one of our best rated shows, all in a single line of exposition.

I obviously can't read the letters myself, but I hear they're still coming in. I just wish Dan could see them.

When you write Sal, I listen, but this...

This is my sister.

Who the Hell gets Cancer at twenty-seven? Who the Hell dies at thirty-two?

I know the viewers think she's boring, but I don't give a damn, she's MY SISTER!

Kill someone else.

Kill me for all I care!

But no, you can't do that – can you? You need someone on this side to write your stupid, little scripts. Without me, nothing happens, isn't that right Sal?

Well guess what, if you force me to go through with this, nothing is going to happen.

I'd rather every, last viewer change the channel. I'd rather our ratings drop to zero. I'd rather each us die in that cold, dark place that comes after. I'd rather all that than to pen my own sister's slow, rotting death.

How's that for drama Sal?

How's that for tragedy?

What do you think the viewers will do then?

Do you think you'll survive it?

I'd love to hear your thoughts Sal, and I'm looking forward to your revised notes.

Yours Always,

The Writer

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