Joey Brant's High School Love Notes

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Aly's Addendum: These notes are brought to you raw and unedited, to preserve authenticity.


What did you get on the math quiz?

I know its really weird to ask or whatever but you're sooo smart, and I just want to know, ok?

I think you're really pretty too...hahahaha.




Did you really write me to ask what I got on a Math quiz? If so, you should find a better way to spend your life. Also, why are you writing notes, you do know there is this thing called a cell phone – right?

If you must know, I got a 95%.

Thanks for the compliment by the way, it's nice the know that complete strangers don't think I'm some kind of troll.



Hahaha, you're really funny.

I didnt just write you because of the quiz. I just didn't think you'd really write me back. I've sat behind you since middle school and u barely even look at me. Laura told me i should try this.

I dont have your phone #. do you want to give it to me? hahaha.

Sorry if that sounded weird.

Do you?




Have you considered that I haven't talked to you in three years because you've never tried to talk to me?

Do I look like the sort of person who starts random conversations with strangers, just because their last names follow mine in the alphabet?

While it's truly fascinating that you've chosen today to grow a spine, or whatever semi-rigid organ drove you to reach out to me, you probably shouldn't be taking interpersonal advice from Laura.

She has had more "boyfriends" than I've had bad days, and that's saying something. I just hope the girl's getting tested.

Anyway, you have my attention, so say whatever it is you want to say.

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