Chapter 1: The Blonde Woman

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"Regina you said no to the past ten women we talked to. You have to choose someone!" Robin said angrily

"Listen very carefully. I'm not just picking someone. I'm picking a woman that'll be carrying my future. I have to make sure this woman is perfect. I need to make sure she's not just somebody random. " Regina said glaring at her friend.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" she said seriously.

The door opened and a woman walked in. She wore a tight red dress with a blazer jacket. She had a pair of black heels and her blonde curly hair flowed pasted her shoulders. She smiled at both Robin and Regina. That smile seemed to brighten the whole room.

"Hello I'm Emma. Emma Swan." She extended her hand to Regina.

The burnette glared at the hand and then looked at the woman.

Robin took it and glady shook her hand.

"Hello Emma. I'm Robin Locksley and this is Regina Mills" he grinned

"It a pleasure to met you Robin and Regina. So are you two? " she said pointing at them both.

"No we're not. Please have a seat Miss Swan. " Regina said annoyed.

Emma quickly took the seat behind her.

"So Miss Swan tell me about yourself" Regina said as she crossed her legs.

Emma tried not to focus on the toned legs in front of her .

"Well I live in Boston I've been there for five years now and..I'm a bail bonds person. Finding people is what I do." Emma didn't know why she felt so nervous.

"Are you good with childern?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes ..well I have a son" she said smiling

Regina didn't return the smile.

"Do you always dress this way around your son? It's quite inappropriate." Regina didnt know where those words came from.

Emma's mouth fell slightly open at the comment.

"My son is the one that helped me pick out this outfit. And I dont see how this is inappropriate because I have covered all my assets. The only skin you see is below my knee.  Now Mrs. Mills I think we're quite done here. Thank you for your consideration. I hope you have a nice day." Emma stood up from the chair and headed toward the door.

Robin smacked Regina's arm.

"That woman has been the best one we've talked to all day." he whispered.

Regina sighed.

"Miss Swan wait!"

She stood from her seat and walked toward the blonde woman. Emma turned to Regina with her arms crossed.

"Please forgive me, my comment was out of line and I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. It's just been a stressful day and I just want to find the perfect surrogate for me. Please accept my apology." Regina said sadly.

Emma's facial expression softened.

"Okay Mrs. Mills, I forgive you." She was about to turn and leave when Regina grabbed her arm.

"I would like to discuss this plan with you. You've been the best person I interviewed today. I would like for you to be my surrogate. Please come by my house tomorrow evening. To discuss things in detail. And in order to get to know you properly." Regina bit her bottom lip waiting for the blonde to answer.

Emma smilied. "Of course." 

Regina returned the grin with easy and gave Emma her home address.

"See you then Miss Swan" She said quietly.

"Until then Mrs.Mills" the blonde said heading out the door.

Regina watched the woman leave.
She gathered her stuff ready to go home.

"See that wasn't so hard was it? Wait till Katherine hears about this." Robin beamed .

Regina just stared at him and rolled her eyes.

This Emma Swan was a mystery to her but for some reason she felt like she trusted the blonde. Regina found the woman she wanted as her surrogate.

So what do you think? Do I continue this?

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