Chapter 7: Unconditionally

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6 months pregnant

Regina played with Henry on the wooden floor. Emma had gone to another ultrasound and Regina didn't want to see that flirty woman again. She also was never alone with Henry since he blurted about Mr.Gold. Regina needed to know who this man was.

"So Henry who's Mr.Gold, your Mommy and him are friends?" She said smiling breaking play time.

Henry stopped playing and looked at Regina sadly.  The boy shook his little head no.

"No Mommy and him aren't friends" he said quietly.

"Then who is he Henry?" She said looking directly into the his brown eyes.

He started playing with his toys once again.

"Mommy told me not to say anything" he said no longing looking at the woman.

Regina cursed herself, how could she thinks Emma hadn't told him anything.

"Henry, I care about you and your Mommy. And I want to keep you both safe. But in order to do that I need to know who Mr. Gold is" she pleaded with the boy.

Henry looked back at Regina again. "You care about my momma?"

The burnette froze but slowly nodded.

Henry grinned at her but just as quickly his smile faded.

"He's no friend. He hurts her sometimes and yells a lot" he whispered.

Regina's heart dropped.

"He hurts her? What do you mean by that Henry? " she said worried.

Before the boy could answer,  Emma Swan began unlocking the front door.

Regina quickly stood up from the floor and walked toward the blonde. Her mind was racing from what Henry had just said.

She also felt uneasy by how big Emma's smile was.

"You missed the best ultrasound Regina. You should've gone!" She said happily.

"I'm sure it was..."

Emma looked at Regina with suspicion. Her expression and tone of voice made her uneasy.

"Well here." She reached into her pocket with an ultrasound picture.

"It's a girl. You're having a girl" she said with enthusiasm.

Regina grinned ear to ear and took the picture. But the smile slowly faded remembering what Henry had said.

"Hey...what's wrong? I know you can't really see her but she's in there"

Regina debated on what she would say.

"Emma can we talk about Mr. Gold?" She said looking directing into the blondes eyes.

Emma's heart dropped, she turned away from the burnette immediately. Looking only at Henry still playing on the floor.

"There's nothing to say. I told you he's a friend."

"No he's not! You're going to tell me right now. I want the truth Emma!" she said raising her voice. She tried to get the woman's attention back to her.

"Henry could you please go upstairs?" The blonde said ignoring the upset burnette.

"Yes momma...Gina in trouble?.." Henry said with worried eyes.

"No sweet heart. I just need to tell her something..." Emma said comforting her son.

The boy nodded and headed upstairs.

Once Emma meet Regina's gaze, the blonde was furious.

"You asked my son didn't you!?"

Regina was shocked by Emma's changed of attitude so quickly.

"Excuse me? I did what I had to do to get answers! Because clearly you don't want to discuss what's important.  Now tell me who this Mr.Gold is and why does he hurt you!" She said in a tone Emma never heard before.

The blonde walked toward the kitchen holding the bridge of her nose.

Regina quickly followed her.

"Miss Swan I'm speaking to you!"

Emma ignored her getting a cup of water.

"Miss Swan!!" She said yelling at the blonde. Her anger getting the best of her.

Suddenly Emma slammed her hands on the cold counter.

"He's a man I owe money to okay!!! "

Regina said nothing.

The blonde rubbed her temples as she softened her voice.

"I couldn't pay for Henry's medical bills and I needed help. I needed to help my son....Mr.Gold gave me a year to pay him back but it wasn't enough. I didn't have enough..."

Regina began pulling the pieces together.

"You became my surrogate for the money didn't you?..."She said quietly.

Emma began holding in tears and nodded.

"You're doing this for the money...never because you wanted to help me become a mother? You told me that was the reason! That's why I choose you!  "

Regina's heart began to break. She knew this was a job but honestly thought Emma wanted to help her.

Emma walked told her and took her hands within her own.

"I would do this for you, even if it wasn't about the deserve to be a mother. But I got myself into this mess with Mr.Gold and if I don't give him the money...I have to pay a price I'm not willing to pay.....not ever."

Regina's eyes softened.

"I'm sorry Regina for not telling you in the beginning but I desperately needed this was the only way...If I told you I was only doing this for money, you would've never hired me..." her voice cracked as tear ran down her cheek.

Regina meet those beautiful blueish green eyes and feeling the blonde's hands in hers. Her anger began to fade and all she began feeling was remorse. She didn't want her Emma to be going through this.

Suddenly Emma pulled her hands away because of a force that hit her stomach. She lightly placed her hands on her bump and smiled.

"Emma?" She said in a worried tone.

The blonde grinned at Regina and placed the woman's hands on her stomach. Suddenly light kicks were happening where Regina's hands laid.

The burnette smiled and kneed down holding the woman's stomach. The warm touch from her hands made Emma's heart race.

"Hello my beautiful baby girl.." she whispered. Regina's eyes began to get teary eyed and she smiled. Emma lightly touched the top of Regina's head comforting her.

This tender moment, she realized she didn't care Emma did this for money. What they shared together was undeniable.

No matter what, Regina was going to protect her family. Even if she had to talk to Mr.Gold herself.

Tell me what you think :)

Next chapter

Emma's baby shower.

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