Chapter 3: The unknown

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The next day

"Regina honestly what do you know about this girl?" Cora said taking the wine glass from her daughter.

"Yes Gina tell us, all about this woman who's going to be carrying my niece or nephew" Zelena said taking a seat next to her.

"Well her name is Emma Swan and she's a wonderful woman" Regina said looking down.

"Come on now details details details dear sister, is she good looking? I mean the baby will be half her" she said smiling.

Regina slapped her arm. "Zelena!"

"What it's true."

She glared at her sister.

"Seriously Regina what do you know about her" her mother said once again. "Because I haven't heard one thing that you know. I think this idea of some stranger giving you a baby is absurd. Why couldn't you just make one yourself, everything would be far less complicated." Cora said pinching the bridge of her nose.

Regina was fighting tears.

" We both know why I can't mother.....and bringing it up doesn't change that fact ..And when it comes to Miss Swan she has a son. So she has experience in the matter." Regina said quietly.

Meanwhile Emma came back from the grocery store with two paper bags.

"Momma Momma" little henry said wanting to be carried.

"Hello my darling boy !" She said smiling.

"He's been asking for you all day." Ruby said helping unpack the the groceries.

"Thank you for babysitting for me Ruby it means alot. You have no idea." She said carrying Henry.

"So did you tell her yet? " the burnette said eating an apple.

"Tell who what exactly? " Emma said lightly moving Henrys hair from his face.

"Oh no you didn't did you?! You had dinner with her last night and didn't tell her why you want the job?!" Ruby threw her hands up.

"Henry why don't you go play with your toys okay " she said kissing the young boy.

"Okay momma." She let the boy to ground as he walked to his toys.

"Emma you can't go through with this. You're going to be pregnant with some woman's baby and you have to take care of your sick son" she said worried.

"He's not sick he's fine now okay. He going to be okay! " Emma said looking away from Ruby and back to her son.

Ruby gently took her hand. "Emma, Mrs Mills needs to know what you're going through"

The blonde's anger boiled as she fought tears.

"And then what!? Receive pity money from her? Or say hey Regina I know you want a baby but I'm just doing this for money to pay off a man that helped me!? And make her think I'm just using her?! Yeah no way that's happening! "

Emma sighed trying to calm herself.

"I do want to help her Ruby, even if I wasn't in this situation I would. But shes paying me what I need to get out of this debt. I don't need anymore help. This money will be faster to get than any other work that I do....For Henry's sake and mine I have to do this..." Her anger slowly faded and replaced with tears running down her face. "What kind of mother am I...that can't take afford to take care of her child..." Emma said in tears.

Ruby hugged her friend tightly. "Hey don't say that, you did everything you possible could for Henry. He has the heart pacer now, he can survive.."

Emma had the flash backs of Henry in the hospital . He was so little and she felt helpless. When the doctor told her Henry has heart failure, her world was turned upside down. She couldn't pay for any of the treatments. So she went to the only man that could help her... Mr. Gold. Which proved to be a huge mistake.

The blonde buried her face into her friends shoulder, letting the tears fall.

When she suddenly felt a tiny hand touch her leg. Emma moved away from Ruby and bent down.

Henry was concerned for his crying mother.

" Mommy why are you sad" he said quietly

"I'm not sad sweetie. Don't worry. I love you so much never forget that okay." she said wiping her tears away with one hand and gently touching his hair with the other.

Henry wrapped his little arms around Emma. As the blonde hugged him back.

" I love you too Momma. My heart all better right?" Henry said laying his head on her shoulder.

Emma closed her eyes. "Yes Henry your heart is all better..."

So that's why Emma became surrogate....
Tell what you think!

Next chapter coming soon.

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