Chapter 6: The Past will Haunt

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Thank you for reading. ❤

3 months pregnant

Emma and Regina sat silently on the couch. The blonde lightly touched her stomach, as Henry slept across the burnette's lap. She would lightly touch the young boy's hair and grin when Henry smiled in his sleep. The scene was so domestic to Regina, she never had anything like it in her life. It started to feel like the family she never had.

Both Emma and Regina hadn't said a word and just listened to the roaring fire in front of them. Regina glanced at the blonde, who was in a trance.

"Emma?" She said breaking the silence.

The blonde looked away from her stomach and met the burnette's gaze.


"How come you never tell me the story with Henry? I mean he loves telling me he's part machine" She slightly smiled. "But you never really told me anything about what happened"

Emma looked away from her.

"If you don't want to talk about it I understand...."

Emma was silent. Regina thought she wasn't going to say anything.

"It's not that I don't want's just hard to" she said quietly.

The burnette patiently waited for Emma to continue.

She sighed and stared at the burning flames.

"Henry and I we're at the park...he was having such a great time. He was free...." She said quietly.

Emma looked lost in thought as Regina waited for her to continue.

"It's crazy how in one moment everything is fine and than ....within seconds it's's just thrown upside-down..." She said with silent tears. "Henry was playing and suddenly he just fall...I ran to him but he wasn't responding...he just laid limp in my matter what I did he wouldn't wake up..." Emma wiped her tears.

All Regina wanted to do was wrap her arms around her. But she knew it wouldn't be wise.

" ...Henry was unconscious during the whole visit at the hospital. They ran all these tests and they realized his heart wasn't functioning properly....they said it was heart failure. ...and that's when my world stopped. I couldn't wrap my head around it. He was only three an half years old at the time..."

Emma looked back at Regina holding her son. They looked so perfect with each other, like a family.

"I just want him to live a normal life...a happy normal life...I would do everything and anything I could to give him that " she whispered.

"Mr.Gold help us huh momma? " Henry said from his sleep.

The little voice startled them both.

Emma quickly grabbed him away from Regina without answering his question. She didn't want Henry to spill the beans now.

"Yes. Yes he did. And I think it's time for bed Henry" she said quickly.

The blonde stood up and walked toward the stairs. Regina sat there speechless by Emma's changed behavior. She wanted an explanation. However the woman didn't want to talk to Regina about this yet.

"Who's Mr. Gold? " Regina said standing up quickly. She chased after them making Emma stop in her tracks.

The boy was about to speak but his mother covered his mouth before he could say a word. She turned back to the burnette that looked at her questioningly. Emma began to feel the bubbling of guilt inside her.

"No one he's no one. Just somebody we know...a friend. " she said nervously.

Regina said nothing even though she didn't believe her.

"Goodnight Regina " Emma said sadly. She quickly walked up stairs carrying a sleepy Henry.

"Goodnight Emma..." She whispered.

She watched the woman disappear upstairs. Once she heard a closed door, Regina reached into her pocket searching for what she found earlier. She saved a mysterious letter she received in the mornings mail. The small red envelope only had the name Miss Swan.

Regina was going to tell Emma but was afraid she wouldn't tell her the truth of what the content was. Since the blonde had shown she was hiding something.

The burnette slowly opened it as it revealed a folded card. Once she flipped it open, she only saw
elegant handwriting :

You can run, but you can't hide from me Miss Swan..
182 days left Dearie..

Regina's eyes widened. She had no idea what this letter had meant to Emma. She clinched the letter tightly and stared where the the blonde had disappeared upstairs. Whatever this letter meant and whatever Emma was hiding, she planned on finding out.

So what did you think! :)

Sorry about not updating sooner.

Coming up future chapters :

-Regina confronting Emma
-Finding out the gender of the baby
-Emma's baby shower plans

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