Chapter 9: A New Deal

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I'm sorry everyone! But here's finally an update. Thank you for reading!

Regina waited patiently for any word on Emma. She had quickly raced through every light and stop sign to get to the local hospital.

Now she just sat alone with only her heavy heart. She was staring at the photo she only took hours ago. Emma looked happy, even though she didn't want her picture taken. The burnette was lost in the thought, when suddenly the door opened.

"Mrs.Mills ...the doctor would like to speak with you." a nurse said stepping into the room.

The burnette quickly stood up and walked to her.

"Mrs. Mills?" A man came foward. "I'm doctor Whale " he said extending a hand.

Regina took his hand quickly. "So what's going on?"

Whale let go of her hand and looked at her seriously.

"Mrs. Mills, Miss Swan had shown signs of an early labor. We were able to control it and delay it for now. But I would like to keep her here for observations. When we release her, I want her on bed rest for the rest of pregnancy. "

Regina's heart was speeding.

"How is she now..what caused this?" She said worried.

"Miss Swan is getting fluids right now and resting. It's a mystery of what caused it, because to our records she was a very health woman. However stress could be a factor or even high blood pressure. "

Regina began thinking how stressed Emma had been with that deal with Mr.Gold.

"Can I see her?" She said quietly.

"Of course" Whale said walking her to the room.

Once he pulled back the curtain, Regina saw the sleeping blonde. The doctor left the room to give the two privacy.

Regina walked toward Emma's bed side and debated on taking her hand. She took an unsettling breath and sat on chair next to her.

The only sound was Emma's slow breathing and the sound of her heart monitor.

"You ...You gave me quite a scare back there Miss Swan. " She whispered, breaking the silence.

She gazed at the sleeping woman, and finally took her hand in hers. The coldness of Emma's hand made her worried.

"Emma ..." She whispered.

The blonde didn't move or make a sound.

" Emma I've never told you this before but you've completely changed my life. Not just because of you having this baby.... But you and Henry have given me something I never had before...and I want you both to stay in my life."

Regina was suprised she even said these words. She was frightened that maybe Emma heard the whole confession. They weren't ready to have this conversation just yet, but she hoped Emma felt something toward her.

The woman stirred but stayed in her deep sleep.

Regina sighed in relief and smiled sweetly at her. She slowly raised her hand to move a piece of stray hair, from the blonde's face. This woman changed her life and she never wanted anything to happen to her. But there was only one way to accomplish that.

She grabbed her phone from her pocket and quickly called Zelena. It rang several times but before Regina could hang up, the red head answered.

"Dear sister I wasn't expecting to hear from you. Here to apologize for our little show earlier ?"

Regina rolled her eyes.

"I need a favor Zelena."

"Why not ask Mommy?" She sounded annoyed through the phone.

"Because this is something I don't want mother to know...." She looked at Emma while she spoke.

"Sounds interesting. What's the favor?"

There was a pause. Regina lightly traced her finger over Emma's stomach.

"I need you to find a way to contact Mr.Gold.."

"You must be joking! Please tell me you're not that stupid! "

"I didn't ask for your rudeness sister. Just find him! " She said getting aggravated.

"Regina are you insane?! Mr. Gold isn't someone you should get involved with! Why do you need him anyway?!"

"It's none of your concern! Contact him and tell him to meet me at my office tomorrow morning!"

Regina didnt wait for a reply as she hung up the phone. She placed her hand on Emma's stomach and smiled.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I will keep you both safe..."


The next morning Regina was organizing her desk, when she heard someone open the door. The person stepped inside slowly as the sound of a cane come into the room.

She didn't turn around since she knew excatly who it was.

"Good morning Madame Mayor. What do I owe the pleasure of you summoning me ?" He said grinning.

"I want to make a deal with you.." She said not looking at him.

"And what may that be?" He said interested on what the woman wanted.

Regina finally turned around.

"I want you to release your deal with Miss Swan."

Mr. Gold smirked.

"Miss Swan and I have an agreement dearie. And her time is almost up" he said walking toward her.

"Whatever she owes you, I'll double it. Just let her out of her deal." She said glaring at him. Regina needed this to work.

The man grinned at her.

"I need more than that dearie" he said looking around her office. He walked around the room making Regina feel uneasy.

He grabbed an apple off her desk and examined the dark red color.

"What more do you want?" Regina said getting nervous but remained calm.

He took a bite of the apple and tossed it back on her desk.

"If you want this new deal... you need to not only pay me. But also do something for me.." he smirked.

He raised his cane, inches away from her face but Regina didn't move a muscle.

"And only then will I consider releasing Miss Swan...."

Tell me what you guys think.

I will try to update sooner.

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