Chapter 11: Labor of Love

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Ahh 1,000 views wow! Thanks for reading!! Sorry about the wait my internet hasnt been working for the past few weeks .

9 months pregnant

"Will you please tell what happened between you and Regina? " Ruby asked impatiently.

Emma laid on the bed concentrating on the images on the screen, ignoring her friend's question.

Ruby grew even more impatient and grabbed the TV remote shutting it off.

"Hey I was watching that!" Emma yelled annoyed.

"The dog dies now tell me what happened! I've given you time to tell me but you haven't said a word! Tell me what happened Emma"

The blonde looked down fighting her tears.

"Emma please, you two were getting along so well. You said she might even feel.."

"I was wrong okay!" The blonde looked away from her.

Ruby lightly touched Emma's arm, grabbing her attention.

"What happened? " she asked quietly.

"I was wrong. She didn't feel the same for me. She said I was only a business deal nothing more!! " She yelled with tears in her eyes.

"Emma I'm sure that's not what she meant" she said calmly.

"Oh really then would does I just want the baby mean? And after we go our separate ways?!"

Ruby stayed silent.

Emma was about to say something when a pain shot through her body.

"Emma?" Ruby said worried.

The blonde gasped for air.

" water just broke.." She said with fear in her eyes.


Regina was trying to concentrate on her work, which was already due a day ago. She read the same page over ten times and still didn't have a clue what she just read.

She tapped her pen on the desk while she stared at her phone. She hadn't heard from Emma for the last month and worried for her well being. Regina always worried about the blonde, deep down she knew her feelings won't go away.

She sighed and rubbed her temples trying to focus. When suddenly her cell phone rang breaking her from her concentration. Regina quickly picked up the phone once she saw Emma's name on her screen.

"Emma?" She said with so much joy in her voice.

"Regina it's Ruby"

"Oh Miss Lucas, what can I help you with? " She replied with disappointment. 

"It's time Regina, your baby is coming"

Regina could hear a screaming Emma in the background.

The burnette's heart pounded through her chest. 

"I'm on my way" she ended the call and hurried out the door. Letting all her paper work fall to the ground. The only thing that matter to her was Emma and their baby.


"Emma you're going to need to give me one big push "

The blonde grabbed the bed's  handles as she screamed from the pain. Sweat had already began to form on her forehead and she kept breathing heavily.

"Come on Ems you can do it " Ruby said tapping away the sweat with a towel.

"Ruby .." The blonde said in pain "Don't let Regina be in here...I can't see her..not now.."

The burnette nodded.

"Okay Emma another push" the doctor said interrupting.

The blonde let out another chilling scream and tried to catch her breath. She didn't know how much more she could take, she was already exhausted.

"I can see the head, one more big push. "

Emma gave another push grabbing the handles again. Releasing another loud scream. She was out of breath when she heard crying fill the room.

She looked up to see the doctor wrapping the baby in a soft blanket .

"Congratulations Miss Swan, it's a  beautiful baby girl"

The doctor slowly handed the baby into Emma's arms. The blonde was speechless when she saw the infants face.  She looked like a Mills, the only difference was her hair was a light brown close to a dark blonde. Her eyes met with Emma's and the blonde's eyes watered.

"Ems.. she has your eyes " Ruby said grinning.

Emma nodded. "Yes she does..she's so beautiful, she's so perfect. "  she said through tears of joy.

She lightly touched her little hand with her finger, which the infant slowly wrapped her hand around.

"Welcome to the world baby girl.." Emma said quietly. 

There was a knock on the door with a nurse coming into the room.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but a Miss Mills keeps persisting to come in"

Hearing the burnette's name broke Emma's heart. More tears run down her face as she kissed her baby's head. She slowly handed the infant to Ruby.

"Take the baby to her." The blonde said quietly.

"Emma are you sure? We can make her wait. " Ruby replied.

Emma shook her head .

"The baby needs to be with her mother. " her voice cracked slightly.

The burnette said nothing and walked out of the room.

The blonde watched them leave and cried silently into her pillow. The deal was done. There was so need to be in Regina's life anymore.


The woman sat in the chair impatiently.  She had argued with the nurse to let her in but they had refused. When suddenly Ruby came into the hall with her baby.

Regina froze.

Ruby said nothing when she handed the infant to her. Once the baby girl was laying in Regina's arms. She was memorized by the beautiful girl. 

Once she opened her eyes for her mother. The burnette smiled. She had the exact same color eyes as Emma.

"What are you going to name her " Ruby said breaking the silence.

" Madison..Madison Mills " Regina said quietly.

Ruby bent down lightly taking Madison's hand.

"Nice to officially met you Maddie. We are going to be great friends "

Regina grinned. Hoping Ruby's comment meant Emma will still be in their lifes. She had to find a way to talk to her first.

Tell me what you guys think.

And shout out to Ciel_Phantomhive_1  and gingerkid1094  for the baby name !

Now I'm off to Vegas to celebrate my 21st birthday tomorrow!! Have a good weekend everyone and I wish you all a Happy Mothers Day !

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