Chapter 5: Living with you

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Moving in with Regina wasn't as bad as Emma had thought. Henry actually loved the idea of going somewhere new.

Regina took care of both Emma and Henry greatly. Each time they woke up, the burnette had already made breakfast for them both. She would play games with Henry and bond with him. When Emma suffered from morning sickness she always helped in whatever way she could.

After four weeks of living together they had a routine already set. Emma was beginning to feel their unite, felt more like a family than being a surrogate mother.

"Are you ready for this first ultrasound? " Regina said breaking Emma's train of thought.

They were driving to the hospital and the drive was absolutely silent so far. Regina wanted to know what the blonde was thinking.

"Oh..yes. I'm ready. Are you? " She said looking at the burnette.

Regina smiled while she was driving.

"Yes of course I am. "

Emma felt her heart flutter at her smiling. The blonde lightly touched her slight bump on her stomach, she had to keep reminding herself this was only a business deal. Nothing more.

Once they reached the hospital and checked in, they waiting to be called. Regina began looking nervous.

"Regina you do know we're just here finding out the birth date right?" She whispered to her.

"I know." she whispered back.

"Emma Swan?" A nurse said grabbing both woman's attention.

Emma stood up with Regina right behind her. After they weighted Emma, checked her tempture and asked the routine questions. The nurse walked them to the room.

"Please have a seat there and you're technician will be with you shortly" she smiled closing the door.

Regina looked around the dimmed room slowly.

"Can you stop being nervous" Emma said looking at the woman.

"How did you know I'm nervous? " She said raising an eyebrow.

"Because I know you" the blonde said quietly.

Regina eyes softened and gazed at Emma.

When there was a sudden knock at the door and a woman walked in breaking the moment the two women just had.

"Hello " she grinned. She lended her hand to Emma and the blonde took it. "I'm Rachel Wood and I'll be your technician."

This burnette was really attractive and Emma's mouth fell slightly open, lost for words.

"Hi I'm. .I'm Emma" she stuttered.

Rachel smiled "Pleasure to meet you Emma." She winked.

She let go of Emma's hand and turned to Regina. "Hello and you are?" She extended her hand once again.

"Regina " she said not shaking her hand. She didn't like the way she looked at Emma.

The woman nodded and pulled back her hand realizing Regina wasn't going to take it.

"Hello Regina it's nice meeting you"

Regina gave the woman a glare and lightly smiled.

"Like wise"

Emma looked at her questioningly.

"So how long have you been together?" Rachel said looking at them both.

Regina was about to speak but Emma beat her to it.

"We're not together I'm her surrogate. That's all" she said quickly.

Regina stared at Emma a little bit disappointed by that answer. But then scolded herself for feeling that way.

"Oh that's interesting " the woman said grinned at Emma.

"Can we get on with this?" Regina said annoyed at her.

"Of course, let's have a look shall we? Emma I'm going to need you lift up your shirt a little bit" she said unfazed by Regina's attitude towards her.

" Okay this might be a little warm alright ? "

Emma nodded. She placed the lotion on her stomach and began the ultrasound.

"Okay let's see.."

The room was silent and Regina began to get worried.

Suddenly a loud thumbing filled their ears.

"Ah there's your baby" Rachel smiled. "You say you're seven weeks along ? " She said looking at Emma.

"Yes that's correct"

Rachel looked back at the screen.
"Well so far your baby looks fine and at the this rate I believe the birth day will be in December. Around early December roughly around the tenth."

Regina smiled looking at the screen.

"Do you have any questions? " she said smiling at Emma again.

"When will we know the gender? " Regina said seriously.

Rachel looked at her " We won't be able to tell until four an a half to five months"

She handed Emma a towel to wipe off the excess lotion.

" If you have any questions..." She reached into her pocket and took out a card. "Please don't hesitate to call" she said handing it to Emma smiling.

Regina was rolling her eyes.

"Thank you Rachel I will " the blonde grinning.

"Okay you guys have a great day." She said grinning but only looking at Emma.
On the drive back

"I think we need a new technician " Regina said seriously.

"What? Why? She's great" she said looking at her shocked.

"Come on Emma can't you see she liked you? If you have an questions please don't hesitate to call. " She said mocking the woman.

Emma just grinned at the burnette.
" You're being ridiculous, she was just being friendly...Besides even if she did why would it matter? ...This is just business right? " She said quietly.

Regina bit her bottom lip. "Right" she whispered.

Was Regina jealous? ;)

Tell me what you think.

Next chapter coming soon

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