Chapter 4 : Nine months

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4 months later

Emma waited patiently for the results of the fourth pregnancy test. Emma and Regina already tried three times before and failed each time. After the  third time of the same process, Regina began losing hope. Emma however  wanted to try one more time. The blonde needed this to work, she didn't have a plan B in getting that money.

The pregnancy test results were finally in and she grabbed the stick slowly. The words on the screen read pregnant.

"Oh my... I'm pregnant.... " She said shocked. "Oh my God I'm pregnant!! " She beamed happily.

Emma grabbed her phone and called Regina. It rang only once.


"Regina !! I have something to tell you!!  " She said smiling

"Emma what is it? Are you okay ? " Regina said worried through the phone.

" I'm pregnant, we're pregnant, You're going to be a mom! It finally worked!" Emma practically yelled through the phone.

All she heard was Regina gasp and a loud thud from Regina's phone falling. The burnette quickly grabbed her phone back to her ear.

" Are you sure!? Oh my God I can't believe it! Do you need anything ?! Where are you? Are you home ? I'm on my way ! " Regina said with some much joy in her voice. The burnette was grinning ear to ear.

"Wait Regina StoryBrooke is kind of a long drive to .."

The blonde never got an answer because Regina had already hung up.

Emma stared at her phone in shock but also wad so relieved. Before she could call Regina back there was a knock at the door.

"Well that was fast..maybe she was already near here?...." Emma said to herself. She still held her pregnancy test in her hand as she walked to open the door.

She grinned as she opened but that smile faded quickly.

"Hello Miss Swan"

"Mr. can I help you? " She gulped.

"I think we have some business to discuss. May I come in?" He said opening the door wider.

Emma stopped him "I don't think that's best. Henry is sleeping and I don't want to wake him. "

Mr.Gold  clinched his jaw. "That's alright. I can discuss what I have to say right here". He leaned on his cane.

Emma bit the inside of her cheek from nervousness.

"We both know you own me money. And since I'm a generous man I gave you a year to pay it back. With some interest of course. I want it now" he said smirking.

"I..I dont don't have it right now" she whispered.

Mr. Gold glared at her and looked down the hall making sure no one was near.

Emma couldn't read his expression and was about to tell him she'll  have it soon. But he suddenly grabbed Emma's neck tightly and slammed her against the door.

The blonde's eyes widened and tried to push him away. But he began to squeeze her neck tighter and tighter. Until it was beginning harder and harder for Emma breathe.

The woman was gasping for air as her face turned different shades of red.

"You listen to me dearie I've given you plenty of time to pay me back the money. " He said angrily to her face.

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