Chapter 2: The offer

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I got really inspired to continue this story and if people dont like it, its okay. For the people that do thanks for reading!

Emma knocked on the large white door lightly. She didn't know why she was so nervous.

Once it opened Regina grinned.

" Ah Miss Swan, lovely to see you again. Please come in." The burnette opened the door wider for Emma to enter.

She greeted Emma with a warm inviting smile. She wore a blue tight dress that cut off right above the knee and a pair of black high heels. The blonde tried to stop looking at the woman. So Emma distracted herself by looking at the amazing house Regina owned.

"Right this way.."

Emma quickly followed the woman down the hall.

"I hope you don't mind but I made us dinner..." Regina grabbed a towel and brought out a beautifully done pot roast.

Emma's mouth practically watered at just the sight of it and the smell filled the whole room making her mouth water even more.

"I thought having dinner would break the ice. Speaking of ice can I get you something to drink dear?" She said walking toward the fridge.

" water is just fine. Thanks" she said uneasy. For some reason Emma still felt nervous.

Once Regina poured her a glass of water and handed it to her. An awkward silence fall upon them.

Emma wanted to break it quickly.

"So this town you live's pretty small and quiet. Looks like not many people live here. What's the matter, does the mayor not like people?" She said taking a drink of the cool water.

"The mayor would be me actually..." Regina said coldly.

Emma's eyes widened and made a choking sound on her water.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean it in a bad way. I actually mean this is nice town. I mean you have a very beautiful town here Regina ...Mrs Mills...Madame....Madame Mayor" she said rampling. Emma began to feel hot from embarrassment.

Regina however found Emma panicking amusing. "Well Miss Swan let's get on with this dinner. Since I don't like people this will be very unpleasant for you" she smirked at the woman.

Emma relaxed from Regina's sarcasm and gave a grin. Who knew this woman had a sense of humor.

Once they finished dinner Emma was stuffed. The meal was absolutely delicious, the best meal she ever had.

Regina held her wine glass. "So Miss Swan.."

"Please call me Emma"

The burnette smiled. "Okay Emma, what made you want to be a surrogate? "

Emma froze. She didn't want to tell her the main reason why just yet.

Regina waited for Emma to answer but noticed how the woman's smile slowly faded.

The blonde sighed "I just want to help mothers become mothers. Everyone deserves the chance to become a mother no matter what.
..A child is a precious gift, there's nothing in this world that can compare. " she said quietly. It was the truth but not the whole truth why she wanted to be a surrogate.
Emma thought it was better for Regina not to know.

Regina was speechless by Emma's answer. She had always wanted to be a mother and this woman wanted to help her.

"Emma..I would like to make you an offer. "

The blonde's eyebrows rose in curiousity.

Regina slowly grabbed Emma's hand in her own.

"Would you please be my surrogate Emma ....Money will be no problem. Everything you need will be taken care of. I will make sure you get and have everything you need. Absolutely everything. " Regina said hopefully.

Emma couldn't hide her smile.

"Of course Madame Mayor" she smirked.

Regina hugged her tightly and Emma returned it.

"Thank you Emma have no idea how much this means to me" she whispered.

Emma sadly smiled. She'll tell Regina eventually but right now she didn't want to ruin the moment.

Ahhhhh what do you think she's hiding from her? And I didn't want Regina making lasagna because she makes it in every story I read!

Next chapter : We find out Emma's secret/Regina's family thoughts on her choice.

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