Chapter 12: Gave me Everything

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3 weeks later

"Well I guess the child isn't terrible looking" Cora said eyeing the baby in Regina's arms.

"Here let me have a better look at her" Zelena brought her arms forward, waiting for Regina to hand her over.

However the brunette glared at her.

"What ? I don't bite. Now give her to me, I want to hold my niece. Come on, come to auntie Zelena " she said opening arms for Regina to place the baby.

Regina finally gave in and handed Zelena the sleeping baby. The woman smiled at the infant and held her closely.

However Cora interrupted the tender moment.

"Well now that you have a baby, it'll be very hard for you to find someone. And most importantly someone that would take care and provide for the child...."

Regina grew angry and cut off her mother's ranting.

" Just shut up for once !!.." she yelled, immediately getting her mother's attention.

Cora looked at her daughter curiously wondering where this attitude was coming from.

"Can I speak to you in the kitchen.." The burnette walked passed her not waiting for a reply.

Once Cora walked in after her daughter,  she was ready to scold her for this attitude she had toward her.

Her mother raised her finger ready to speak, but Regina interrupted.

"Save it. I don't want to hear it.  Whatever you have to say about finding someone, I don't care. I already have someone and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me .."

Cora raised her eyebrows in shock.

"She!?.." She yelled.

"Mother I don't care what you have to say or what you think!..I lied to you, I do love Emma Swan and there's nothing you can do about it. So either support us now or get the hell out of my life ! " Regina took a sigh of relief after standing up to her mother.

Cora was startled by the outburst but had stayed silent.

Regina took that opportunity to leave the room. She grabbed her bag and headed toward the front door, she needed to see Emma. Before she left she turned to see her sister with a grin upon her face.

"It's about time, go get her tiger" Zelena said smirking.

The burnette smiled and headed out the door. She was going to make Emma talk to her, even if the blonde didnt want to.


Emma had just put Henry to bed for his afternoon nap when there was a heavy knock at the door.

The blonde wasnt expecting company and her mind wondered on who it would be. She fixed her hair that was out of place and walked toward the front door.

But just as quickly as she opened it,  the blonde quickly close it after she seeing the familiar burnette.

"Emma please open the door!" Regina begged.  Having a door slammed in her face wasn't the plan.

"Go away... I don't want to see you" the blonde said leaning against the door. She knew what she said was childish but she couldn't talk to Regina yet. 

"Let's be adults about this Miss Swan and open this door now! You haven't returned any of my calls, so you could at least open the door. "

Emma stayed silent.

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