Chapter 10: Business Deal

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Thanks for reading wonderful people:) Sorry for the wait

8 months pregnant

After the emergency hospital visit, Emma noticed how different Regina was acting. She felt more distant to her and she couldn't understand why.

However the burnette went above and beyond with helping Emma. Regina had changed her whole living room into a bedroom, so the blonde  wouldn't go upstairs. Regina helped Emma with every thing she needed however, she hardly spoke to her.

Due to the odd behavior Emma was restless and didn't want to follow the doctors orders of bed rest. Every day was the same and she was sick of it.

Until one morning, there was a loud and urgent knock at the front door. Emma stirred to get up but Regina yelled and said she got it. The blonde sighed feeling useless.

"Mother what are you doing here?  " Regina said suprised.

The woman let herself in and looked at Regina's newly decorated living room.

"..Ahh Miss Swan, of course you're the reason why my daughter created her living room into a pig pen" Cora said glaring at the woman.

"Nice to see you too Mrs Mills" Emma said not bothering to look at her.

"Please mother let's speak in my office.." Regina said pulling her mother away.

Once they were out of sight there was another knock at the door.

"Regina..." Emma whispered. "There's some one at the door.." she grinned from not hearing a reponse. The blonde wanted an opportunity to move around by herself.

As quickly as she could, she got out of bed and headed toward the door.

She opened it happily but her smile faded.

"Hello Miss Swan" Mr.Gold said holding a bouquet of pink roses.

"Mr.Gold..what are you doing here? I still have a month left for the money.. " Emma said worriedly.

"I'm not here for the money dearie..I'm here to wish you congratulations on your soon to be baby girl.  " he smirked. He handed Emma the pink roses, as she took them slowly.

"I'm sorry why would you..."

"The deal is done Miss Swan. It was a pleasure doing business with you"

Mr.Gold turned away from the door and began walking down the path.

"Wait! What do you mean it's done? I haven't given you anything" she said confused.

He paused from walking and looked back at the blonde.

"You may haven't given me anything. But the Mills certainly have. "

Emma's heart stopped.

"The mayor seems to really care about you dearie..... You have a good life Miss Swan, I'd hate to see you come back to me for help" he smirked. "But if you ever do, you know where to find me.." he winked to her and turned to walk away.

Emma closed the door trying to process everything Mr.Gold just said.
She was free, she was finally free from her debt to him. She didn't have to worry about her son or the money because Regina had taken care of it.

Tears of joy gathered behind her eyes. The realization of Regina helping her, brought a smile to her face. Emma didn't know what love meant until she meet Regina. Nobody had ever opened their arms for her or her son like she had.

Emma walked toward the burnette's  office grinning ear to ear, still holding her pink roses. When Cora's voice made her pause just outside the door.

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