Chapter 8 : Family bonding

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Thank you for reading and this very long chapter!

7 months pregnant

Emma and Regina both laid on the blonde's bed as Regina was lightly touching the woman's stomach. Some moments Regina would hum a lullaby to her daughter, causing the baby to kick and move inside Emma's stomach.

Emma knew this couldn't be how a surrogate mother relationship should be. She hoped that maybe Regina had felt something toward her.  Especially because of the way the she was acting.

The baby girl moved once more hearing Regina's humming.

"I think she likes you " Emma said grinning.

Regina returned it and lightly traced her hand across her stomach.

"I do hope so dear" she said quietly.

Emma couldn't stop staring into those deep brown eyes. Their close body proximity made the blonde think maybe Regina was feeling the same way she had.

"Emma?" Regina said breaking the woman's train of thought.


The burnette sat up and looked directly into Emma's eyes.

"How do you feel about a baby shower...My family wants to do one. I completely understand if you don't want to or if you're uncomfortable with..."

Emma placed her hands on hers, making Regina stop talking.

"If your family is throwing you a baby shower, of course I would go. It's a celebration." She said grinning

Regina sighed in relief.

"Thank you Emma" she brought her in for a hug. "And it's in a week...."

"Oh and where is it?" She said against Regina's hair.

"...the Hamptons.."

Emma's eyes widened and pulled away from Regina's embrace.

"The Hamptons!?" 

After her doctor said it was safe to travel and Henry was taken care of by Ruby. Emma felt she had prepared for everything. But nothing prepared her for meeting the Mills family.

Once Regina and Emma stepped onto the property. The blonde was amazed by the elegant house, next to the white sandy beaches and clear water. Most people had a beach house next to the shore. But the Mills had their own one story luxury home that screamed out money.

Emma began fixing her sweater and fidgeting as they got closer.

"Emma you look beautiful relax" Regina said looking at the panicking woman.

Emma tried not to focus that Regina  just called her beautiful.

"Well you never told me your whole family is filthy rich! " Emma said fixing her hair.

Regina grinned.

"My mother is the CEO of Mills Industries..."She said looking at Emma's reaction.

For some odd reason Regina was enjoying Emma's shocked expressions.

The blonde however was panicking but recieved a huge kick from the baby girl in her stomach.

They reached the front door and only heard groups of laughter.

"How many people were going to be here?" Emma said panicking.

Regina didn't answer and just pushed the door open.

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