Chapter 8 - Dream

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Friday, May 13th, 2016

Mark's POV

As soon as I came home I fell onto my bed. I was so tired... So much homework and so many things to do, I was wiped out in minutes.

In minutes.

In minutes.

Never mind, I was still awake.

Thoughts ran endlessly through my head like a rabid dog running through a field of bunnies and chickens.

This Jack was supposed to be this bad ass that blackmailed people, and so mysterious and quiet.

Why was he so nice to me?

It could be the author is just dumb and totally forgot the plot of the story...

But he joked around like a little kid when he was with me, and he was so open and calm when we were at the coffee shop.

Just... Why?

Finally my thoughts dulled and the fan above my head lulled me to sleep. I drifted off into endless darkness...


My phone buzzed loudly. The usual alarm noise was all distorted and odd. I sat up in bed and looked at the empty space beside me, for a split second Jack was there curled up and holding on to my waist. I blinked and he was gone.

I turned on my phone to check the date and time.

Friday, June 3rd, 2016

I gasped and ran to my dresser. Today I was supposed to talk to Jack!

I quickly pulled on a shirt and a pair of jeans. Suddenly my stomach dropped. I was supposed to do him a favor, but I didn't know what it was. It could be anything...

I was downstairs making pancakes. I didn't even remember coming downstairs, but at least I was showered and ready to go. I stared at the hot pan and poked the batter with a spatula. I looked into the microwave. I gasped when I saw my reflection; I had stubble, I was a lot more muscular, and my hair was... Red?

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind, and a chin rest on my shoulder. In my reflection Jack stood behind me, rocking us back and forth. He still had his green hair, but he was missing his gauges and usual beanie or hat.

"You look beautiful today, Markimoo~"

He whispered before he placed a small kiss on my cheek.

Suddenly my face burned. His kiss felt like acid on my skin.

I suddenly woke up on the bus. I looked in the window. I was back to my normal self, black floofy hair and half the muscle I had in the kitchen. Who the hell was that? That couldn't be me, could it?

We stopped at the school. I looked around and realized I was the only one on the bus. Suddenly the school doors burst open and hundreds of teenagers ran towards the bus. I quickly jumped off and ran to the back of the school.

All was silent, until I heard two people... Kissing?

I turned my head and saw Jack, his hands on the waist of some random girl. He pressed her slowly against the wall. Their faces moved apart, but a string of saliva still connected their lips. Jack began to slowly kiss down her jawline and to her neck. She gasped and he licked the sensitive skin on the base of her neck. He suddenly bit down and started sucking on her neck. She gasped and grabbed onto his hair.

I backed away slowly. Somehow I couldn't stand to see Jack kiss another girl. A small whimper escaped my lips and Jack lifted his head. He turned to me and smirked widely.

He took a step forward, and it were as if he had stepped in a pile of dry black dust. Black fog crept from under his shoe and crawled up his leg. It was as if he transformed right in front of me.

His hair was now a glowing green, he grew slightly taller, his gauges were now the size of golf balls, and he suddenly had various other piercings. His eyes were a fluorescent green that bore into your heart and tore it in two.

Finally he was right in front of me. We were barely centimeters apart, his nose barely brushing against mine. I swallowed the lump in my throat and finally spoke.

"What do you want?" I said in a soft but harsh voice.

"Oh Markimoo~ don't you know what I want?~" Jack said in a sing-song voice. His accent was thicker, and his voice was all distorted and odd.


"I want..." He leaned closer our lips brushing against each other.

My breathing hitched.

"You to get the fuck away from me." He took a step back. Suddenly he was covered in blood, red ick dripping from his long black claws. He was a monster...

But I was frozen...

I couldn't run...

He laughed darkly...


I shot up in my bed like a rocket. I was dripping with sweat. I looked around. I clicked on my phone.

Friday, May 13th, 2016

The light burned my eyes and I sat back. It was all just a nightmare...


I wrote a note to myself what the dream was about AND TOTALLY FORGOT TO REMOVE IT AND I PUBLISHED IT XD

Was this an important plot element,

Or was it just a nightmare?


Sorry for not posting very often. Soon my schedule will be clearing up and I will be able to write much more ^-^

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you fangirls IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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