Chapter 18 - Fixed

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Friday, May 27th, 2016

Mark's POV

I slowly sat up in bed. My headache was gone and my throat stopped hurting. I had just a bit of a stuffy nose, but I decided to deal with it and go to school.

I walked out of my bedroom and and downstairs. I saw my phone on the counter where I left it when I came home Tuesday night. Suddenly my jaw dropped. 'I didn't text Jack.'

I felt awful. I picked up my phone and went to Jack's contact. He hadn't texted me. A wave of relief washed over me. 'If he had been worried he would have texted me, right?' I thought as I opened the cabinet. I ate breakfast and went to get ready for school.


I walked into the school a bit earlier than I usually do. School didn't start for another half hour, but I figured I'd see if Jack was in the theatre room practicing.

I walked around the corner and found the theatre class. I slowly opened the door to see a bunch of people goofing around. They were playing improv games, drawing on the white board, goofing off on their phones, and sort of acting like little kids. I just shrugged and walked in. Theatre people are basically tall kids that are really chill and crazy.

The theatre teacher sat at her desk answering emails. Apparently she was fine with this, a bunch of theatre kids just started showing up in the mornings and goofing off and she didn't mind. She knew all of them so it was fine.

I shut the door behind me and looked around. Finally something caught my eye. Molly sat next to Jack at a table, quietly talking to him. Jack looked absolutely awful. His hair wasn't brushed, his sweater and jeans were filthy, and he had a beanie just carelessly placed on his head. He had backs under his red and puffy eyes. It looked as if he hadn't eaten or slept in a week.

Molly noticed me and smiled widely. She tapped Jack and he looked up at me. A wide smile spread across his face and he ran over to me. He hugged me tightly and sobbed into my shoulder.

"Mark, you're okay! I was so worried, you didn't text me and I thought something bad happened and I was all alone in class and after school and I was so scared and-" Jack said everything in one breath.

"It's okay, I'm here." I interrupted him. "I was just sick. It wasn't to bad, just a little sniffly is all." I rubbed his back softly.

"Why didn't you text me?" Jack whimpered into my shoulder.

"I was asleep for most of the day. I stayed in my bed and my phone was on the kitchen counter." I said softly.

"I'm sorry, I feel like a crazy girlfriend." Jack giggled and snuggled closer.

"It's okay. I should have told you." Ran my hand through Jack's messy hair. "I don't mean to be offensive, but you look like you got hit by a bus. What happened?"

Jack laughed slightly. "I, uh, I was worried. I didn't get any sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about you." He hugged me tighter. "I wanted you to be okay."

Molly smiled at me. I smiled back then looked back to Jack. I buried my face in his shoulder and hugged him comfortingly. I didn't want to let go ever again.


I'm sorry if these past few chapters were boring. They are still very important and I hope you guys like it :)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you fangirls IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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