Chapter 10 - Choreography

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Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Mark's POV

I was walking down the halls towards the cafeteria. Jack invited me over to his house, so I had to sit through practice... Again.

I didn't mind, though. I hoped to hear Jack play the piano and sing again. Maybe I might even be surprised with something new again.

"HOPE YOU'LL REMEMBER MY NAME! FAME!" Speaking of surprises... Jack ran towards me screaming at the top of his lungs. He danced as he ran towards me. He grabbed my hands and spun me around while singing... Screaming, off key. "YOU'LL REMEMBER ME FOREVEERRR!!!"

"Oh, hello." I said once Jack had finished his oh-so-beautiful song.

"Mark! Come with me! It's awesome and I want you to see this!" Jack grabbed my arm and pulled me to the auditorium.

The stage was brightly lit, and there was a large brick wall near the back. Jack pulled me along to the tech booth.

"Okay everybody! From the top! Somebody is here to watch us!" Jack smiled as he talked through a microphone. Molly walked out on stage wearing sweatpants and a tank top. Jack started the music and turned it up so that the sound bounced off the walls of the gigantic room.

Molly started singing, much better than Jack did, and other dancers ran on to the stage. Suddenly more people did flips and back springs on to the stage, Molly's voice guiding them. Everybody danced along to the music in unison. It was perfect, everybody matched one another in insanely talented dance moves. Jack watched like a proud parent with a huge smile on his face.

The music became louder and more energetic. Jack leaned over and whispered, "Watch this." and pressed a button on his far right. A huge glowing sign lowered that read "FAME" decorated and lit up Broadway style.

Finally the song ended and I clapped my hands. Jack told them that they did a good job. All except for Billy, he just said 'Screw you Billy!' And turned off the microphone.

Jack stepped out of the booth and pulled me back out to the cafeteria. We both picked up our bags and started walking to his house.

"That was amazing! That's something I could've never done." I said happily. Jack smiled bashfully.

"Y'know, I'm supposed to be in it." Jack said as we turned on another street.

"Really?" My eyes went wide.

"I know all the choreography and such. I just wasn't today because Thomas wasn't here to run lights and sound." He turned and smirked at me, "Also, I didn't want you to see me in tights."

"You have to wear tights?!" I laughed.

Jack's face burned red, "Only when we're practicing choreography! Not in the actual show, ye goofball." Jack lightly punched me in the arm.

Finally we arrived at his house. I pulled out his key and pushed open the door. A warm, homely feeling drifted around me as I walked in.

"My parents aren't home. Most of my sibling have either moved out or they're off doing something stupid." Jack chuckled. He led me over to his living room.

It was small, but he had a big TV and some soft chairs. A little, energetic dog ran into the room. Jack didn't even gently bend down, he literally flopped on the ground flat on his back and cooed the dog as it licked his face.

"Wow, for the school badass you sure are a big softie." I watched Jack scratch the dog behind its ears.

"Hey, at least I know your science teacher has had seven illegal affairs with students. You don't know shit." Jack laughed as he sat up.

"I, uh... What?" I stuttered.

"You wanna play Fallout 4?" Jack switched on his Play Station 4.

"Okay." I sat down on the couch. "I haven't played it yet. Is it good?" I asked as Jack handed me a controller.

"Dude, it's been out forever. I like it, it's not super good video game wise, but it's something to play when I have spare time." Jack sat down, the dog curling up on his lap.

Sorry for those of you that don't know much about Fallout. You can watch Jack play it on YouTube ^-^

I made my character and headed out to the Vault Tech place for safety. They locked me in a small chamber, my wife in another chamber across from me holding our child.

Suddenly some guards came up to my wife's chamber. They opened it up and reached for my son. My wife started to panic and yell at the guards.

They shot her and took my son.

"NO!" I screamed and slammed the controller in my lap. Jack's dog jumped up and ran off. "THAT IS NOT OKAY!" I shrieked.

"Gizmo!" Jack called After his dog. Gizmo cowered back and walked to the kitchen. "Mark, calm down." Jack laughed. After a moment I laughed with him.

"Sorry! I take my games seriously." I laughed.

"Would this be a bad time to ask if you wanted to play Mario Cart?" Jack smirked.



I hope you guys enjoy what I am able to put out there. I've had a lot more inspiration for writing and I hope to be posting more often ^-^

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you fangirls IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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