Chapter 1 - Watt Was I Thinking?

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The objective of this is to weave all the wattpad typical plots into one story and to make you laugh... it's a challenge!

Chapter One – Watt was I thinking?

The morning was evaporating and so was Loyal’s mood.

This day wasn’t going to get any better, Patience thought as she forced down her soggy CocoPops. 

She wasn’t sure when she figured this out, but right now it was pretty obvious.  Loyal was grinding his teeth.  If Loyal was grinding his teeth before they had even left the house then things were bad.

“Serenity, if you are not down here in 10... I am leaving without you and you can walk!”

OK so this was not the time to say anything.  This was the time to keep your mouth shut and your head down.

“Not my fault,” Patience was never one to be sensible.

“So,” he over emphasised the word, “Your fault.”

Patience rolled her eyes and huffed, “You said that she was ditzy.  You said that she should have a hobby.  You said...”

“Yeah and what did you do?” He glared at her, “Hell Patience, she thinks she is a freaking werewolf now!”

“Not my fault.”

He flashed an exasperated look at her before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

10 was over at least 20 ago.

She still wasn’t here.

“Serenity, you are not Eighteen... yet!”  Patience tried.

That seemed to work.  Down the stairs swept Serenity.  She looked like Grace Kelly reincarnated – except with a 4 inch skirt and a shirt that showed more than it covered - so probably not Grace Kelly at all.

“It took you an hour and a half to put 6 square inches of fabric on your body?”

“Loy, you love me, you know it,” Serenity purred.  “I had to be perfect.   You never know who you might meet.”

“It’s not real...”

“Blasphemy!  I don’t listen to blasphemy!”

“I wish I could deny being related to you Serenity,” Loyal growled his harshest insult at her. 

Serenity gasped and fanned her cupped hand at her face while blinking rapidly.

“Loyal we are triplets - you, me and her over there.”

“Patience.  My name is Patience.”

“You love me Loy, you have to love me.  We came from the same egg!”

“Don’t remind me,” Loyal shook his perfect crown of golden blonde hair in frustration.

They were indeed triplets.  Serenity was of course wrong, if they were from the same egg they would be the same sex.  But Loyal and Serenity were as identical as different gender multiple birth children could get.  They both had the same perfect hair, skin, teeth, sparkling blue eyes, symmetrical features, and Michelangelo bodies – well, if the statues still had all their limbs, heads, and other bits that fell off over the centuries of being in those boring museums.  To cut to the chase - Serenity and Loyal were what was commonly called ‘Hot’.

And then there was Patience.   Patience came from the same womb but you would never have guessed it.  Fate had dealt Patience a crap hand.  She was what was graciously termed ‘average’ – which was a nice way of saying ‘nothing special’, ‘OK’, ‘Pass the tomato sauce’, or ‘You would look great with bigger glasses’.  Her mousy brown hair was complimented by her pasty skin, flat brown eyes, lack of any discernable figure and intelligence.  Yes, to make her even more unattractive - Patience was smart. 

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