Chapter 3 - Alone

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Chapter three

Eventually my tears stop running and I gently pull myself out of Aiden's grip and look at him.

"I'm sorry" I say

"For what?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

"For just crying like that, it's just that nobody really cared in a while so I haven't cried in front of people for a while, because it makes me feel weak but with you, I don't know, I guess I just felt safe for a while. But it must've been annoying for you."

"No problem, I'm glad that I make you feel safe, but there must be someone else? Like your family maybe?" He says carefully.

"Yeah, it's kinda of a long story"

"Don't worry, I have time"

"Oh okay" I say and start telling him about everything, how Mark said that they didn't want me, that I believed him and why and then the call from my sister and about when Mark lost it and got furious and then about the last two weeks on the street.

Aiden looks appalled when I'm done.

"Oh, but it seems like your family wants you back, maybe you can go back to them? Now that Mark isn't following you anymore. Where do they live?"

"They live in a city not very far from here, you can take the train there, and you're right that's the best decision."

"So do you have any money to get there or do you need any?"

" I had my creditcard in my pocket the day I left and since I've saved there was enough for food and stuff like that, so I can use that, Mark doesn't know about it so he can't track me using it."

"Well thats good, I can drive you to the station if you want?"

"Yeah, you don't have to I can walk but it's really kind of you to offer, but I should call my family first and let them know." I say and start pulling my phone out.

"Yeah you do that, but I'll drive you, it's no problem. I'll just go wait in the car, it's right there" He says and points to a big black car.

"Oh okay thanks"

Aiden walk away and I try calling my sister but nobody answers, probably they're just busy, well, well I will try again on the train.

I walk to Aiden's car and jump in.

"What did they say?"

"No answer, but I'll try again on the train."

"Okay" he says and start the car and after a couple of minutes we arrive at the train station and I open the door, jump out and then I turn to Aiden.

"Thanks for everything really, you didn't have to do any of it, but you did it anyways and I'm really grateful for it, so thank you very much." I say and give him a small smile.

"No problem" He says smiling at me and I turn around and start walking away.

"Wait!" He shouts after me and I turn around.

"Here is my number in case you'll ever need some help or just someone to talk to, don't be afraid to call okay?"

"Okay, thanks" I say smiling, then I walk away and I see Aiden turn and drive off and all of a sudden I don't feel so safe anymore. But soon enough I calm myself down, I'm about to see my family again.

I see that my train leaves in fifteen minutes so I sit down and wait and decide to try and call my sister again and this time she answers.

"Hi Charlotte, it's Caroline."

"Caroline!! How are you?"

"I'm fine, the police took Mark so now I'm about to hop on a train and come back to you!"

"Um, that's good to hear but um you can't come back. Mark threatened us and said that he would come after us if you came back I'm really sorry."

"But-but when did this happen? How?"

"He got a hold of our number and called and threatened us so I'm really sorry Caroline. But we can still help you we can change your name and get a place for you, maybe if we can."

"But-but you wouldn't be with me?" I whisper and feel the tears coming again, they don't want me anymore, now I'm all alone... again...

"No I'm sorry..."

I can feel the tears coming and even though this place is full of people nobody seems to care about me. What am I going to do know? Live alone in a different name? No, what's the point with that? If I'm still gonna be all alone. I don't wanna think about that now, the only thing I can think about is that my family doesn't want me, they've left me. I get that they're scared, but what about me?

There's nobody that cares about me, I have nobody to call... Or do I ? He said I shouldn't be afraid to call, but still I can't or can I? I have already bugged him enough.. but he said.. and what is my option?

With shaking hands I pull out my phone and dial his number:

"Hi it's Aiden"

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