Chapter 8 - Okay

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Aiden's pov

I come home from work around three thirty, which is a little later than I first thought but it was very busy since I haven't been there for a while now because I didn't want to leave Caroline alone so soon after everything with Mark. Speaking of, where was she? I took of my shoes and jacket and went in and looked around but couldn't find her. Maybe she is in her room I thought as I walked towards her room and found that the door was closed. I gently knocked on the door but didn't receive an answer.

"Caroline," I gently whispered as I knocked once more.

There was still no answer so I gently opened her door and looked in but I couldn't find her and now I got worried, where could she be? The house was big but she usually stayed in this part of the house, her room, the living room and kitchen. I went around the house looking around and getting more and more worried for every second, why did I leave her all alone?

"Caroline?!" I shouted and I could hear the panic in my voice.

At first I didn't hear anything but then I heard a little voice and went in the direction of her closet where it came from. Carefully I opened the door to her closet and found her in the corner, arms around her legs lightly shaking. I walked to her and sat down in front of her, grabbing her arms gently.

"Caroline, what is wrong?" I asked

"I-I just felt safer in here... In case he would come he would have it harder to find me here I thought", she said, voice shaking.

"Caroline look at me, everything's okay, I promise, he can't come after you now", I said as I took her head in my hands lifting it up to look at her and I could see fear in her eyes.

"Yes, yes he can, he is out there looking for me."

"No, he is not! He is in jail. Okay? You're safe" I said as she started crying and I put my arms around her and started stroking her back. "Everything's okay. It's okay". I kept repeating it so that she would believe me.

After a while she started to relax and moved away from me.

"I'm sorry Aiden, for all this, I don't know why you keep putting up with all this, you barely even know me"

"I know you well enough to know that you deserve a real life, and I wanna help you get that, okay?" I said as I smiled at her and stood up and helped her up.

"Okay," she said and smiled back. "Thank you."

Two days later

Caroline was doing a lot better and she wasn't all shaky when I got home from work yesterday. So it was an improvement from the other day when I found her in her closet. Right now we were sitting at the breakfast table talking about what we were going to do today.

"When do you have to leave for work today?"

"In about half an hour, but I don't have to be there for very long, just a couple of hours. I was thinking that afterwards maybe we could go look at schools you want to go to or something? If you feel ready of course? "

"Yeah, actually I think I am even though it feels a little scary. Why don't you go to school by the way? I mean you're not much older than me."

"Well no, I'm just twenty but I started my job kind of early so I didn't have time for school as well."

" Oh okay, I don't know if I can ask this, but what do you work with? It must be something really special since you can afford this house at such a young age. Because it's not your dad who is paying for it as you said first is it?" She smiled a little at me.

"Well no, it's not. I didn't lie entirely, he does work in the movie business but he didn't buy me this house... But how did you know that?"

"I guess I just had the feeling."

I laughed at that. "Well it was a good feeling. If you want you can come with me to work so you can see for yourself?"

"Yeah that would be fun, but wouldn't I be in the way?"

"No, it's cool."

"Okay", she said and sounded really excited.

"Well, get dressed, because we're leaving in ten minutes."

Caroline's pov

Twenty minutes later we arrived at a big building. I am a little nervous because I have no idea what he works with and I don't want to be in the way. Aiden open his door and walks out and opens the door for me with a big smile. "Are you ready?" He asks. "Yeah I think so" I say as I get out of the car and we start walking towards the door. "It'll be fine" He says as he opens the door and lets me in. We walk down a corridor and stops at a door andAiden pull out a key and opens it and we walk into what looks like a recording studio.

"Oh do you record music?" I ask.

"Not exactly" he says just as another man walks in the door and starts talking to Aiden.

I don't think he's seen me yet, but then Aiden turn to me and introduce me.

"Oscar, this is Caroline, Caroline this is Oscar, he works here"

Oscar put his hand out to me and I take it.

"Hi Caroline, it's nice to meet you" He says with a genuine smile "Are you gonna sing as well or are you here to look?"

Sing? I think to myself.

"No she just wanted to look" Aiden answers for me as he sees my confusion.

"Well okay then, you can sit there if you want" Oscar says and point at a sofa near the entrance. "Should we start with the latest song?" He turns his attention to Aiden now as he sits down behind the control panel.

"Yeah sure" Aiden says and walks in to the little room with the microphone and some instruments.

Wait what? I think as I sit down on the sofa. Is Aiden a singer? And famous too since he can afford that house, why haven't I heard of him before? Then the music starts and Aiden starts singing and my breath catches in my throat. A really, really good one at that, I think to myself as the room fills with his angelic voice.

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