Chapter 4 - Guardian Angel

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"Hi-i, it's Caroline..." I whisper quietly with my teras still running down my cheeks.

"Oh, hi, is something wrong?" He says, sounding surprised and worried.

I get nervous and don't really know what to say, I mean I can't just demand him to help him or something, Idon't even really know why I called it was stupid off me.. But he did say he would help men and he was so kind..

"Hmm-m kind of, I-i just. I'm sorry I shouldn't called you" I stammer and hang up tears now streaming down my face. What was I thinking? Calling a total stranger asking for help? Sure he was kind to me but that didn't mean he wanted to deal with all my problems. I guess I was left all alone again.. Nobody was there for.. I didn't have time to finish thinking my sentence before my phone started buzzing, startled I looked down to see a number I vaguely remembered. Could it be..? With shaking hands I pressed the answer button.

"Hi-i" I said.

"Hi, Caroline?" I heard Aiden's soft voice.

He called back? Why?

"Yes. Yes it's me" I whisper.

" Oh, good, but what is wrong, why are you whispering?"

"I-I don't know, I-I just I'm sorry I called you in the first place, I just didn't know who else to turn too.."

" No-no it's fine, I said you could call if you ever needed anything, where are you?"

"I'm still at the train station, I can't go to my family and I have nowhere to go, I don't know what to do" I say panicked as I feel my tears start falling down again.

"Okey, calm down I'm on my way to you, stay were you are, I'll be right there, don't worry" He says in a soft tone.

It is like he has some calming affect on me, because suddenly I feel all better, he's coming, I'm not all alone, maybe there really is someone that cares about me? I wonder to myself.

After about fifteen minutes my phone buzzes again, this time to signal an incoming text. I open it up and read.

I just pulled up outside the station, shall I come in or will you come out? :) - Aiden

I smile a little to myself, instantly feeling much better, just knowing that he's there, even do I still don't know what will happened I can feel a little hope lighting up in my chest. Quickly I stand up and start walking while typing in an answer.

I can come out - Caroline

Soon enough I get out and find Aiden leaning against his car a worried expression at his face when he sees me, I must look terribly, all swullen from all the crying. He takes a few careful steps towards me.

"Hi" He says gently. "Are you okey?"

" I think so.." I whisper.

He takes a good look and me, before pulling an arm around my shoulders and starts pulling us gently toward hos car, when we get there he open up the passenger door to let me in and then he walks around and put himself in the driver's seat.

"We can go grab a bite, and then you can tell me what happened, okay?" he asks.

I nod "okay"

He starts up the car and after a while he pulls up infront of a cute little cafe.

We walk in get seated, order our food, and then he gives me a gentle look as to say that I should start talking, so I do, I tell him all about what happened and he sit silent listening to me, his blue kind eyes fixating at mine at all time.

"Oh.." he says when I've finished telling my story " Do you have anywhere to go?"

I shake my head a little.

"Oh, now you do, you can crash at my place tonight if you want and then I will try and help you, okay?"

I hesitate at first, I mean I barely know him and now he wants me to come to his place? But he seems so kind and true and I feel kind of safe with him for an unknown reason, so I just nod my head, thankful.


"No problem" ha says a soft smile tugging at his lips.

We finish our meals and he drives to his place, which is very big if I might add. It's a huge white house with a big garden. I take in a deep breath, how can he afford this? He sees my surprised look and gives a small explanation.

"Well, my dad is kind of rich, he's working in the movie business, he kind of gave me this house as a twenthieth birthday gift.." He says, almost looking shy about it. It seems almost like he doesn't tells the whole story, but I wont ask more.

"Oh okay"

We step in and he give me a small tour then he show me to a big guest room with pale blue walls and nice white furiniture, including a soft kingsize bed.

"Well, you can stay here if you want, there is a bathroom right there" He says pointing to a door inside the room, and I think there are towels and stuff like that aswell. He disappear for a while and comes back with some t-shirts and shorts from what I can tell.

"I brought some of my clothes in case you want to change or something" he says with a small little smile holding out the clothes towards me and I take them carefully in my hands.

"Oh, thanks"

"No problem, well I guess I'll let you get some rest, my room is two doors away from yours if you need anything" He says and start walking away and gently closing the door behind him,

I just stay there stunned. After a while I come out of it and start walking towards the bathroom, thinking I could really need a shower.

After the shower I put on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and go lay on the incredible comfortable bed, suddenly feeling much better, Aiden is almost like my guardian angel or something I think before I for the first time in a very long time fall into a deep sleep without any nightmares or worries about Mark coming after me. I feel better than I have in a really long time, a lot better than I ever thought I could feel in the house of someone I barely even know, but yet in a way it feels like I do.

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