Chapter 14 - Happy

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Carolines pov

I'm sitting at the breakfast table with Aiden, waiting for Allie to come and get me so that we can go shopping. Since it's a Saturday I don't have school or work and nor does Allie. Aiden is going into the studio to record some songs for his new album, so it's a good time to get to know Allie a little better.

"So what are you and Allie going to do today?" Aiden asks with a cute smile.

"We're going shopping a bit, maybe get some food and then we're going to look for an apartment as well" I add a little hesitant. I've said to Aiden before that I should get my own place so I won't be an intruder, and besides with my job I can afford it. But he doesn't really like it when I mention that because he feels like he is pushing me out, but that's not the case. I just feel that I should have my own place so I don't feel like I owe him too much, he have already helped me a lot. As I thought, his smile vanishes and he looks a little sad.

"I've told you that you don't need to do that Caroline..I like having you around." And I know that he is being honest.

"I know... I just think it will be good for me to have my own place, something that is really mine. I really appreciate everything you've done, but I think I would always feel like you're too nice to me. And I have the money for my own place. And I'm still going to be around, I can visit and you can come over to my place. It will be good." I say and smile at him. He still looks a little against it but he doesn't argue.

"Fine, it's your choice. I just don't want you to feel like I'm kicking you out.."

"Of course not" I say as I go and sit in front of him. "It's my choice, and I will try to find a place close to this one" I finish and kiss his cheek. A smile starts to form on his smile and he pulls me close into a hug.

"I don't know what it is about you, but I smile every time you're around. It's like you've got this spell on me" He half-jokingly murmurs in my hair and I laugh as I bend my head up in the same time he bends down and our lips connect in a sweet kiss. Immediately I get all warm and bubbly inside, and the skin on my cheek where his hand rests feels all electric. He gently lays his hand on my hips, lifting me up so that I am sitting on his lap and I bring my hands to his neck bringing him closer just as we hear someone clear their throat behind us and we immediately pull apart a little, me still on his lap as we turn around and see Allie standing behind us with a big grin on her face.

"I hope I didn't interrupt anything" she says the grin growing stronger and I can feel my cheeks getting warmer and I get little embarrassed, attempting to get off of Aiden's lap but he doesn't let go of me as he looks at Allie.

"Hey, sis. As good as timing as ever I see." He says as he smiles and gives me a little smile that makes my heart jump in my chest.

"Yeah I know. I am an expert on that." Allie says, the grin never disappearing from her face as she turns to me. "Are you ready to go Care?"  I smile at her.


"Yeah, Caroline is too long. You don't mind do you?"

"No, it's fine. Well, let's go." I say as I get up from Aiden's lap and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "See you later, good luck with your songs"

He smiles at me. "Yeah, you better go before Allie drags you out. Have fun, both of you!" He shouts after us as we walk out the door and to Allies car.

"So, it's pretty serious between you guys now, I see?" She asks me as soon as we get in the car and she drives away.

"Yeah, I think so. I really like him. He makes me feel happy."

"That's good. He really likes you too, you know. It was a long time since I last saw him this happy, and it is all thanks to you."

"Thank you. I just feel like maybe he deserves better than me, someone that doesn't have this huge baggage and all.." I say before I can stop myself and remember that Allie does not know about Mark. But it's just something with her, just as with her brother that makes me trust them.

"That's nonsense, you make him happy and you seem like a really nice girl. May I ask you what baggage you are talking about or is that to forward?" She asks as she sneaks a glance at me. It should be too soon to tell her, but I feel like she is a really nice person and it feels good to have people that care.

"No, it's fine.. " I say as I take a deep breath. "I was on the run from someone when Aiden found me, my ex, Mark. It was not a good relationship and he abused me and isolated me from my family so one day I ran away, and after a few weeks Aiden found me and saved me from Mark. He is now looked up in prison.. It's just that, Aiden has really helped me a lot and I think that he deserves someone better than me" I finish and I can feel tears running down my cheeks and I wipe them away. Allie is quite for a while before she answers.

"I'm really sorry, I wish you would not have to go through that." She says and I can see that she really means it so I relax a little. "And you do deserve Aiden, I think he is exactly what you need, someone nice that cares for you, and he needs you to. You make his life better as well and not only the other way around. Believe me when I say that, I know my brother and I think he needs you just as much as you need him." She finishes and gently tugs my shoulder and gives me a smile. "I'm glad my brother met you, Care, and I'm glad I get a chance to get to know you as well. You seem really kind and strong, you just need to believe in yourself" I get completely shocked, she looks like she means it. But I don't feel strong, but I will try and believe her.

"Thank you. I'm really glad I've met you too" I say and smile at her, and I really mean it.

A few hours later we've shopped a bit and also found an apartment that seems perfect. It lays near my school and also near where Aiden lives. It has a small bedroom with a window showing a beautiful park, a nice kitchen and a cozy living room. After signing some papers we head back to Aiden's house. As we reach the house I turn around and give Allie a big hug, "Thank you so much, for everything" I say and I can see her smiling. "Thanks yourself, Care. See you around!" She says as I get out and she drives away.

Two weeks later

Aiden helps me carry the last box inside the apartment and then we're finally done. This is it, my home. I think to myself with a big smile on my face. Allie left a couple of hours ago after helping me pack some things up so now it's just me and Aiden left, we sit on my couch looking at my new place.

"So, does it feel good to have your own place?  To get some space from me?" He says jokingly but I can see a sad glint in his eyes.

"It does, and you know it wasn't to get away from you. I will visit so much that you get tired of me" I say and smile at him.

"Nah, that's impossible. I will never get tired of you" He says as he pulls me closer into a hug. And at this moment everything feels great. I have my own place, I have a job, I go to school, I have a good friend in Allie and most of all; I have Aiden.

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