Chapter 5 - Court

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I wake up and at first I get a little confused and start to wonder where I am, but then all the memories from last night comes back and I remember that I am at Aiden's Place, and that Mark is gone. Or is he? What if the police let him go, because they didn't have enough proof? I Think and start to panic a Little, what if he comes after me again? Then what? And I have no Place to stay either, I mean I can't stay here forever...

The sound of a knock on the door, interrupt my thoughts, and I quickly sit up and answer with a small.

"Come in" Aiden walks in, dressed in a pair of jeans and a tight grey shirt.

"Oh, hi, you're up" He says and takes a few steps closer to me, and pull out a chair and sit down beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm alright, th-thank you so much for letting me spend the night here, it really means a lot, I will be out of here as soon as I can "

"No problem. But where will you go?" He asks with a concerned expression on his face.

"Um I don't know yet, but I'll figure it out"

"Well I won't you go back to the streets, you can stay here as long as you need"

"Thank you so much, but I cant intrude in your house like that"

"Please, I don't want you being all alone with nowhere to go, will you let me help you?"

I'm about to protest, but then I look in his eyes and I can see that he is sincere, he really wants to help me.

"Oh, okay, thanks, but I don't know what I shall do, I don't even know if the police still have Mark'?"

"Oh that's right, that's what I came here to tell you. Steve, the man that took Mark before, says that Mark is in jail for now since they think he is guilty. He will have a trial, and they can't charge him without more proof, like a witness to tell the story" He says with a calm yet concerned look in his face. And I know what he mean.

"So-so I have to witness against Mark in court and if not he will most likely be free?" I say and I tense up. I don't know if I can do it, I don't know if I can stand there infront of Mark and dare to tell the whole story, but what choice do I have?

"Yeah, looks like it, or else they'll have to let him go.."

"But-but what if they don't believe me and they'll let him go? He'll be crossed and he will get his revenge on me, and problably you as well" I whisper nervously.

Aiden put his hand gently on mine, to calm me down and it works a Little.

"I really think they will believe you and that he will go to jail, I'm gonna make sure of it, okay?"


"Good, now what do you think of breakfast?" He asks with a Little smile.

"It sounds good" I smile shyly.

"Okay, then I will make breakfast while you change" He stands up and walk out the door and Close it behind him, and I change clothes and then I go to the kitchen where he already made breakfast, we eat it in silence for a while until he brakes it.

"Do you think you can come with me to the policestation where we'll say that we're ready to bring the matter to Court?"

I swallow hard. "Yeah, I guess"

Two hours later

I walk out on shaky legs, that's it Mark is gonna be in Court in Three Days, and I have to witness against him how will this end?

Aiden gently squeezes my arm like he can feel that I'm scared and I instantly calm down. I'm not alone, Aiden will be there to help me. Everything will be fine, I hope.

So what do you Think? Do you Think mark will be sent to prison or will he go free? What's gonna happen next? Please comment, I would love to hear your thoughts about my story. <3

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