Chapter 15 - The letter

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Caroline's pov

I'm walking home from my job with a happy smile, today's been a good day and it's about to get even better since Aiden's coming over and we are going to eat pizza and watch a movie. It feels so great that I will meet him soon since we haven't seen each other since I moved out, a week ago. He has been really busy with work and when he had a little free time I have either been in school at work, but now we both have time. Even though we've talked a lot on the phone I still miss him very much and I'm really excited that he is coming over today. It's weird I don't think I've ever been this excited to see someone before, especially not someone who I saw just a week ago, but Aiden just makes me miss him and makes me want to be with him all the time. He just makes me feel really good when we're together, and it's both nice and terrifying to depend so much on somebody for your happiness, but I can't stop myself, everything just feels better when he's around.

As I walk inside my apartment and pick up my mail, I see a handwritten letter with my name on it. I don't recognize the handwriting so I wonder who it's from. I walk to my kitchen, sit down and open up the letter and read the message inside, and immediately my whole body goes numb and I start to freak out. No! How? I can feel how everything gets black before I fall into unconsciousness.

Aiden's pov

I walk up to Caroline's door with a smile on my face, I've missed her so much and now I'm finally going to see her again. As I reach her door I knock but receive no answer and gets a little worried, she said she would be home by now.. I knock again but still no answer, and I don't hear anything inside the apartment either, so now I get really worried. I try the handle and find the door unlocked so I walk in and look around but don't see her. I walk inside the kitchen and my heart stops when I see Caroline laying passed out on the floor with a letter lying on the floor right beside her. I run to her and kneel beside her, putting my finger so that I can feel her pulse, and it's normal so it seems like she just passed out, maybe the letter is the cause I think to myself. First I gently put Caroline in my arms and carries her to her bed and gently lie her down and lays a blanket over her. Then I go and get the letter and go back to Caroline and sit down at the end of her bed. I unfold the letter and it says; My Caroline, don't think you can just leave me for that little pretty boy. You will always belong to me, and I'm always watching your every move. You are mine and I will hurt who ever stands in my way, including your pretty boy... /Mark. Anger begins flooding my body as I finish reading the letter. How dare he?! I think as I gently take Caroline's hand in mine. I will never allow him to hurt her again!

Caroline's pov

I begin to wake up and I open my eyes and look around, and see that I am now laying in my bed and that something soft is holding my hand so I look in that direction and sees Aiden sitting in my bed, with one hand in mine and in one the letter and immediately I get scared again. He has seen the letter. What is he thinking? What if he wants to leave me, then I would understand him because if he stays Mark will hurt him and I don't want that for him, I want him safe no matter what I have to go through. He sees my movement and turn around towards me, and the angry expression on his face turns into a soft one as he shift a little and bends down and gently stroke my hair. "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine" I say. "You're not fine! That little bastard, he can't do that to you! I will not let him hurt you again Caroline! Believe me on that, I will keep you safe whatever it takes" He says as he gently caresses my cheek, and I smile a little inside, that's exactly what I thought about him. "You should not have to do that, he will hurt you Aiden. It's better if I just go so you can be safe.." "No way! I won't let you go, I can call in a private investigator and we will find whoever sent this to you, I promise everything will be okay. Just please Caroline trust me on that, okay?" My eyes starts to tear up at his words, he really does care about me a lot. I don't deserve him.. He bends down further and strokes my tears away. "Just say okay" He says in a low voice. "Okay" I whisper as I reach up and place my hands on his neck as I pull myself up so my lips reach his as I kiss him. First he just sits there but then he starts kissing me back and pulling me up so that we're face to face, with his hands on my back pulling me closer. After a while he breaks away but continue to hold me in an embrace as he whisper in my ear, "I can't lose you Caroline, I won't" and I just pull him closer.

A few hours later I sit in the couch watching a movie as he talks to this private investigator, what if they can't find the man responsible? I know what I must do, I will sneak out when Aiden is asleep and run away so he won't find me and thereby he will be safe. It breaks my heart having to leave Aiden, but I cannot put him at risk just so that I can be happy, that would be really selfish.

Later when we lay in my bed, with Aiden's arms around me and he gently snoring, I carefully releases his hold on me and get up, I kiss his cheek one last time before I grab some stuff, writes a note to him and am about to put on my shoes when his phone starts ringing and I hear him getting up and answers it. Just as I'm about to open the door, I hear him behind me. "What are you doing?" He says, hurt and anger evident in his face. Slowly I turn around, looking down because I can't look into his eyes because then I would break down, I see him holding my note in his hands. He knows what I am about to do, I think panicked. "It's the best thing to do, Aiden. I can't risk you getting hurt. I'm sorry, but I have to go." I say and open the door, but before I can walk out I feel his hand on mine closing the door. "Caroline, don't" He turns me around and lift up my face so that I am now looking into his eyes. "Don't run away, stay with me please." "But he will hurt you.." I whisper. "Rather he hurts me than you. And that man who sent the letter. They've found him and he is taken to jail, I don't know if they can hold him but they will make sure that he never bothers you again" First I get relieved but then another thought crosses my mind. "But he has other contacts or what about when he gets out?" "Then we will solve that together, but I won't ever let him hurt you again, just promise me that you will not try to run away again Caroline, please" He says as tears starts rolling down his face, and I know my next words are true, because I can't leave him when he begs me to stay nor do I want to. "I promise" I whisper as I close the door behind me and walk back to bed with my hand in Aidens. We curl up in bed, me with my head on his chest and him with his arm around me as he gently strokes my back. "Goodnight, Caroline"He whispers in my ear and shortly thereafter I fall asleep feeling safe in his arms.

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