Chapter 6 - Guilty

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Three days later

I wake up in the middle of the night trembling as I remember what I have to do today. I look at the clock and it's 4 am, that means its eight hours until I'm gonna stand in court and witness against Mark. I'm really terrified and I don't know if I will be able to fall asleep again. What if the court doesnt punish him, then he will be free and then he will find me and he will hurt me. But that's not what I'm most afraid of because I know what Mark is capable of and I know that if he gets free he will not only come after me, he will also come after the people that have been trying to help me, which means he's gonna come after Aiden and he will hurt him. My heart hurts thinking about it, Aiden has been so nice to me I cant let Mark hurt him. I wont.

With a determined thought in my head that I will witness against Mark and that it will be enough so he wont be able to hurt Aiden, I try to relax again and sleep for a couple of hours. I need all the sleep I can get if I'm gonna be able to do this and I have to do this, I have to. After about twenty minutes I manage to fall asleep again, with one thouhgt in my head. I wont let him come near Aiden, I wont lose Aiden.

Eight hours later

Oh god this is it, I think as I walk up to the witness stand and I freeze when I see Mark satring at me, but then a catch a glimpse at Aiden who gives me a reassuring smile that gives me the nerve to walk up to the witness stand, ready to talk. after swearing the oth to always tell the truth, the questioning starts and I try to look at Aiden at all times.

"So miss Jones, tell me, when did this abusiveness first start?".

"Ehm, it was.."

Ï answer all the questions and then I go sit down again.

Fourty minutes later it's time for the judge to make her decision.

"I hearby claim Mark Sonian guilty of assault and he will therefore be given five years prison time, meeting ajourned."

Yes, I think we did it.

But then I see Mark walking right towards me and he is only an inch away when a police officer grabs him and start dragging him out while he shouts.

"This isn't over!! I will come back and I will hurt you and your litte boyfriend!! You're mine, don't you ever forget that!!"

I start feeling shaky and I feel to warm arms coming round me and hugging me and I turn around to see Aiden there.

"Dont listen to him, his gone now", he whispers soothingly in my ear, which makes me relax a bit.

Aidens pov

A loud scream pierces through the early morning and instantly I wake up and look around to try and figre out where the scream came from. When I look around in my room I catch a glimpse at the clock and it shows 5.30 am. I listen a while but it's quiet, but then I hear it again and I get up and walk in the direction of Carolines room and I see her tossing around in her bed with tears rolling down her cheeks, she looks devastated, it must have been her screams I heard. Something tugs in my heart at the thought of her hurting and I gently walk to her bed where I sit down at the edge of it and stretch out my hand to gently stroke her hair to wake her up from her bad dream. She carefully opens her eyes and I see surprise and joy in them.

"Aiden you're here and you're not hurt!" She screams and nearly jumps up and hugs me.

What is she talking about I think? But I dont wanna stress her even more so I gently pull my arms around her and stroke her back calmingly.

"Yes, Ofcourse I'm here, I wont leave you."

"But-but you did leave me he took you!"


"Mark, he-he.."


I pull myself back to look at her face.

"Dont worry you're safe know he wont get to you I promise."

"But I saw him hurting you!"

"It was just a dream, we're all safe now", I say hugging her tightly.

"So you wont leave me?" she says with tears in her eyes.

"No, I'll be here, now try to fall asleep again okay?" I say starting to tuck her in.

"Okay," she mumbles slowly starting to drift off to sleep.

I'm about to leave when I feel her tugging at my arm.

"Please dont go, you said you wouldn't leave me", she whispers.

Surprised I turn around at her, then I step back and sit down at the chair next to her still holding her hand.

"I wont, I'll stay here, okay?"

"You cant sleep there, come here it's room for you to, I dont wanna be alone I'm scared I might lose you", she whipers tears starting to fall down her cheeks.

Slowly I laydown beside her in the bed and she curls up into my side.

"Better?" I ask.

"Mhm perfect," she mumbles a faint pink color on her cheeks. Is she embaressed?

I lay my arm around her pulling her closer and kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight Caroline", I whisper and then I close my eyes aswell. Falling asleep with a warm and cosy feeling in my body.

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