Chapter 19 - Birthday party

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Caroline's pov:

I wake up to something ringing which I can't detect at first but then I realize that it must be the doorbell. I look at the clock to see that it shows 7 am and then get out of bed and walk to the door to see Allie standing outside. I get a little confused as to what she is doing here this early but nonetheless I open the door to let her in. She walks in with a big smile on her face and gives me a hug.

"Hey, Allie. Happy birthday! Not to sound rude or anything, but what are you doing here this early?"

"Thank you! I was too excited and besides there is so much to prepare for the party tonight so I figured we'd better get started as soon as possible. Because you are going to help me prepare everything right?"

"Ofcourse, if you want my help, I'll help. What are we going to do first?"

"Eat breakfast, because I haven't had any yet. Then we're going to get our nails done and then shop stuff to the party and..."

"What's all this noise about?" Chris says as he steps out of the livingroom in just a pair of boxers while rubbing away sleep from his face. Allie immediately stops rambling and just stands there for a while before she can compose herself.

"It's Allie's birthday so we were going to fix thing for her party tonight, but first we were going to eat some breakfast. Do you want some?"

"Oh, happy birthday Allie. Yes I'm really hungry" Chris responds with a small smile on his face as he steps out to put a shirt and some pants on while Allie and I go to the kitchen and start making breakfast.

Ten hours later

As I'm struggling to get my zipper up on my dress I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "Come in" I say, thinking it's Allie who has forgotten something, but as I turn around I see Aiden standing there looking really hot in chinos and a dark blue shirt and immediately a smile starts forming on my face. Aiden just stands there looking at me and suddenly I feel a little exposed standing in my dark blue strapless dress half unzipped and I can feel a blush creeping up on my face.

"Um. can you help me with this zipper?" I ask Aiden and he looks up and starts walking to me, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest. It's crazy how he can make me all nervous just by being near me. I turn around so he can reach my zipper and shiver as I can feel his hand gently gracing my back as he tugs the zipper up, and gently placing a kiss on my shoulder blade. I turn around and give him a hug as he whispers in my ear "I've missed you". I gently touch my hand to his cheek as I reach up and connect my lips to his. His hands grips my waist pulling my closer as he responds to my kiss before pulling back to look in my eyes. He suddenly starts to look a little nervous as he tucks my hair behind my ear and it looks like he is about to say something but then ofcourse somebody knocks on the bathroom door, interrupting us. I let him go reluctanly before opening the door revealing Chris who looks at us a little weirdly before giving us a smile as we step out of the bathroom.

As we step out Allie comes rushing towards us. "Care, can you please help me in the kitchen for a little bit? The guests will be here any minute now" I give Aiden one last smile as I follow Allie into the kitchen to set up the last thing before there is a knock on the door and Allie rushes away to open the door.

I can hear them talking in the hall, Allie with a confused tone in her voice. "Ashley, what are you doing here?" "It's your birthday, ofcourse I'm here. It seems like I haven't seen you or Aiden for ages so when I heard from Zoe that you were having a party I had to come ofcourse" A voice, I don't regocnize, says. "Why would Zoe tell you? She knows what you did..." Allie sounds a little confused. "Oh, but that was a year ago! Get over it, I have changed now. By the way, where is Aiden. I've missed him. We should've never broke up.." The voice says and I freeze. "Well, you should have thought about that before you cheated on him!" "Al?" I hear aidens voice as he walks to the door, and then " Ashley?! What are you doing here?" "Aiden, I came to wish Allie a happy birthday and to see you ofcourse! I've missed you" "She was just going..." I can hear Allie saying. "No, it's fine by me if she stays it was a long time ago, I'm over it. Besides we used to be really good friends" "Fine..." Allie mutters.

I hear footsteps coming towards the kitchen and then Aiden and a blonde really pretty girl in a short red dress, who I assume is Ashley, steps into the kitchen. Aiden walks over to me and give me a hug. "Hey, Care. This is Ashley, we sort of grew up together, and Ashley this is Caroline" It hurts a little when he doesn't tell me she is his ex, but I try to hide it as I force a smile onto my face. "Hi, Ashley. It's nice to meet you" Right then Allie walks into the room and grabs Aiden by the arm saying that he needs his help with something, leaving just me and Ashley in the kitchen, who is starking to develop a sort of creepy smile on her face as she says"Oh, you too. So you're Aidens new girlfriend, huh?" "Yes, I am" Her smile grows even bigger. "Good, for a moment I thought he would never get over me, I mean I broke his heart, but we were so young back then. We are the perfect couple, oh well. I guess he found someone to comfort him" I have to restrain myself not to come up with a bitchy respond, instead I just smile a little and excuse myself. I need to get away from here before I do anything stupid.

As I sit on the bed in Allies guestroom, someone walks in and sits down on the bed beside me. "Hey, is something wrong? You just disappeared" Aiden asks me in a gentle voice. "I'm okay." I say without looking at him. "I just needed to get away for a bit" I can feel him shuffling so he can put his arm around me, pulling me closer. "Why? Did Ashley say anything?" "Nothing important, but why didn't you tell me she was your ex?" I say, still not daring to look at him. He gently puts his hand on my cheek lifting my head up so my eyes meets his and I get lost in his beautiful eyes for a bit. "Because I didn't think that was important. She was more like a friend anyway, but we were together for a little while before she cheated on me and ruined our friendship. But I did not want to make a scene when she came, it was over a year ago and I'm over it. Besides she lived in the house next to me and Allie when we grew up so I know Allie like her even if she says she don't because she hurt me. But I'm sorry if I hurt you in any way. You know I would never want that" He says as he gently strokes my cheek and I can feel my anger melting away as I smile at him. "It's okay, I overreacted. I just get insecure sometimes" I admit. "You shouldn't. Because you have absolutely nothing to be insecure about. You are amazing and the only girl that I wanna be with" "I only wanna be with you too, but sometimes I just wonder what you see in me. I mean you could get any girl you'd want and yet you choose me." Aiden pulls me closer to him and look deep into my eyes. "No one else could make me feel the way you do. Whenever I'm around you I instantly feel much better and I don't know what I would do without you. There is so many reasons to why I want to be with you, but the main one is that you always make me happy, just by being near you. So never doubt yourself again. All of these reason has also made me fall in love with you. I love you, Caroline. Very much"

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