Chapter 13 - Us

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Aidens pov

I feel someone gently grabbing my arm causing me to wake up. I open my eyes and I see Caroline looking down at me with a concerned expression on her face. Allie! I quickly remember.

"Have they called?' I ask Caroline.

"Yeah they just called, Allie is awa.." I dont let her finish her sentence before I jump out of my bed, get dressed and rush downstairs, with Caroline right after me. Just before I walk out of the door I turn to her and say.

"Thank you for waking me up and all, Caroline"

"No problem, I just hopes she gets better soon" She says with a genuine smile on her face.

"Me too, me too. But I gotta go now, I'll call you when I know something more" I say as a quickly give her a hug and walk out the door.

As I enter the hospital I walk to the reception and says Allie's name and they point me in the direction of her room. When I enter her room I see her sitting up in her bed, which gives me hope, maybe she isn't that sick then. I take a few steps to her bed and sit down on a chair next to her and she smiles when she sees me.

"Hi Allie, how are you feeling?"I ask

"I'm feeling much better now actually." She says and smiles and I can see that she means it.

"That's good! Do you know why you fainted?" She looks a little embarressed at that and looks down a little before she answers.

"They said it was because of low bloodsugar, it was so stressful at work that I didn't have time to eat lunch, with that important meeting with my client and all" She says.

Allie is a lawyer and I know that her job is really stressful sometimes, since she just started working at her firm and at age 26 she has a lot to prove to the other employees at the firm but I don't like her stressing and missing lunch.

"Allie, I dont like you missing lunch, I know it's hard but it's really important that you eat. Your health is more important than everything else. But you ate after work, didn't you?" I ask but I can already tell the answer on her guilty expression.

"No, because I had to sort out some papers and then I was going to meet you"

"You could have said something, because then we would have gotten something to eat before we went out."

"I know, i know and i will get better I promise."

"You'd better, or else I'm gonna keep a watch on you and make sure that you eat" I say with a serious expression and Allie starts to laugh.

"Okay dad" She says with a grin on her face.

"I just want you to be healthy."

"I know, I'm just joking. I'm glad that you care so much and that you are always there for me, but I don't want you worrying to much"

"I can't help it, that's just who I am"

"I know, and speaking of caring. How is it with Caroline?" I groan inside. I knew she had to bring that up..

"It's good, she sat waiting for the phone to call so that I could rest a little" Allie gives me this mischeviuos smile when I finish speaking and I look at her, wondering what that is for.

"You completely light up when you talk about her. You must really like her and I saw that she likes you too, so why aren't you a couple yet? I know you said she's been through a lot but maybe then a safe relationship with you looking out for her and caring for her is just what she needs. Why do you keep making excuses?"

"That's what I'm trying to give her and I really want to be with her, but I'm afraid that maybe she just needs a friend and not anything more. I'm afraid I'm gonna hurt her and that's the last thing I want to do.." Allie looks at me for a while like she is trying to read me.

"You need to stop being so cautious all the time. Don't be afraid to go after what you want." I'm about to protest when she talks again "You say you dont want to hurt her, but have you ever thought that maybe you're hurting her, and yourself, when you act just like her friend when you both want more. Atleast you should think about it Aiden. I know that she can make you happy and I think you can make her happy too. And maybe that is as friends, but I dont think so and you should figure it out. Go home and talk to her." she says, her voice leaving no room for argument and I sigh.

"Okay maybe you're right. But I dont want to leave you here."

"Oh, that's fine I'm free to go, the doctor said that right before you came, I was actually about to leave just then. You can just drop me off at home before you go and talk to Caroline"

I walk in and find Caroline sitting on the couch watching TV, and I take a deep breath before walking into the livingroom and sitting down next to her. When she sees me she turn off the TV and looks at me and smiles, a smile that makes my heart to race a little extra.

"Hey, how is it with Allie?"

"She is much better, I just drove her home. She fainted of lack of bloodsugar, but she is a lot better know" Before I dropped her off, we went out to eat and I forced her to eat a lot so that she feels better and we also went shopping for easy and healthy groceries that is easy for her to cook when she gets home from work.

"Oh, but it's good that she feels better"

"Yeah.." I say and hesitate..I dont know how I'm going to start this. I take a deep breath before looking staright at her.

"Caroline. I thought that we could talk." I say and I see that she starts to look worried and I gently stroke her arm to calm her and she relaxes a little.

"Oh okay, what do you want to talk about?"

¨"Us." I say and now she freezes and I can see that she is getting sad and I give her a reassuring smile. Maybe Allie is right, maybe I'm hurting her by not being honest with what I want?

"Dont worry, Caroline. I know I have been giving you mixed signals, kissing you and then just acting like nothing happened and I'm sorry for that. It's because I'm so afraid of hurting you. I know what you've been through and I'm scared that you feel like you're not sure what you want, and I thought that maybe you just needed me to be my friend but Allie made me realizes that that's not my choice to make, it's yours. She also made me realize that I dont want to be just your friend, I want to be more, I want to be able to kiss you I want to be able to hold your hand and call you mine. But if you just want to be friends then that's what we are going to be, even though it's going to be hard." I can see tears starting to stream down her face and I gently wipe them away. Aiden you idiot! I think to myself.. Now I've made her cry...

"I-I want all that you said to, holding hands and that. I don't want to be just your friend" She says and I light up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure" She says and smile a little.

"Okay, but if I start, I dont know become a jerk you have to tell me. Because you are really important to me and I dont want to hurt you." She laughs a little

"Okay I promise. But I dont think you can be a jerk" She says a smile on her lips, and I smile too.

"Okay, then I only have one question left" I say, a smile on my face and a nervous feeling in my stomach. "Caroline Jones, will you be my girlfriend?" I can see a huge smile developing on Carolines face.

"Yes I will" My heart starts racing and my body warms up. She said yes! I lean in a little closer and I see her eyes widen a little before I crash my lips against hers.

Naw, now they're boyfriend and girlfriend ;) What did you guys think? Please comment and vote :)

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