Detention Thing

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*Nia POV*
I swear I can't stand his stupid ass. He get in my last nerve. He the only nigga a that can manage to get me a detention.....on Friday! We gotta be in a detention room for 1 hour. 60 whole minutes. Yeah I said we. He also managed to get himself a detention. Some of y'all probably like. "Omg a whole hour with Will!? Bitch yaaasss!!"......Bitch nooooo. If I can change places with you please believe me I would.

Anyway I'm sitting in my last block waiting for the bell to ring signaling the end of theschool day. My bestie Terry is trying to cheer me up.

"Are you still mad?" She asked. I didn't answer.

"Look it can't be that bad. I mean it's just an hour and the teacher will be there. It ain't like you gonna be alone." She said. I looked at her as if she were crazy.

"Bitch are you crazy?! There ain't no way in hell imma be able to be anywhere near him for 1 whole hour. We always fighting." I said. She shrugged.

"Maybe he just crushing on you." I said. I looked at her and she stared down at me. We burst of laughing.

"Terry you so damn stupid. Oh my god." I said. The bell rang and we stood up. We packed up and I walked her to the main entrance.

"I'll see you later boo. You want me to pick you up after?" She asked.

"Yeah. You can. I mean I'll text you when I need you to come get me." I said. She nodded.

"Give me yah stuff ain't no use in taking it to Detention." She said. I gave her my book bag and said another goodbye before making my way up to the third floor. The third floor ain't really used as much. It's only a couple classes up here and a detention room. I sighed as I walked down a long hallway that lead to a big door labeled detention. I just stared it down. If I'm lucky the teacher might forget and I can just go home. I straightened my skirt and pushed the door open and there she was, looking as ugly as ever. She sized me up and rolled her eyes.

"Take a seat." She said. I sat in the back closest to re the a.c.

"Aren't there supposed to be two of you?"she asked. As if on cue he walked in. He looked at me and smirked. I rolled my eye as he sat down on the other side of the room. The teacher stood up and grabbed her things.

"I'll be back in an hour. If I come back and you are not you will have detention next Friday." She said. She left and closed the door behind her. WTF!? I put my headphones in and lied my head on the desk. 15 minutes passed before I was tapped. I looked up and saw Will sitting in the desk in front of me. I rolled my eyes and took out one headphone.

"What?" I asked, rudely. I don't fuck wit him like that.

"Hi." He said.

"Bye." I said and attempted to put my headphones back in but he stopped me.


"Why you so mean?"

"I'm not mean you annoy the hell out of me and I don't like you." I said.

"You are mean. You act like something stuck up to ass all the time." He said. 15 minutes and he already tap dancing on my last nerve.

"Listen. Like I said, I Don't Like You. You the reason I'm in here. So imma tell you this slowly so you understand what I'm saying......Get the hell out of my face before I punch you in yours." I said. He shook his head.

"I take that back. You ain't got nothing stuck up to ass. If you did you wouldn't be so mean. You need a man. You need some dick in yah life." He said nonchalantly. My mouth dropped to the floor. I cannot believe what he just said. I raised my hand and slapped him as hard as I can. His face turned to the side and he bit his bottom lip. He turned and sent daggers my way. I stood up to leave but me blocked my exit by standing in front of me.

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