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_Jess POV_

"Will get the fuck outta my face right now. Dead ass." I said, angrily.

"Why?" He asked. I took a step back and sized him.

"Are you fucking serious right now?! You cheating on me!! Twice!! I'm so sick of your Shit I swear. Get the hell away from me." I said as I pushed him back.

"I said I was sorry." He exclaimed.

"And sorry is just supposed to make everything OK? Is it? No." I said. I'm so frustrated. I'm literally at the point where I could say I hate him. He texted me something that was supposed to go to his ex. The text said:

Bae Imma be there in like 30 minutes. Gotta take Jess to work.

Of coarse I went to the room and confronted him about it. He played stupid. I can't take it no more. I'm really fed up with his bullshit. I'm done. I shook my head.

"You know what.. Get out." I said, pointing to the door. He looked me up and down.

"What?" He asked. I sized him. I know for a fact that I didn't stutter.

"Bitch... The door." I said, pointing to the door.



"No." He said.

"Okay." I said. I walked over to the phone and picked it up. He snatched it.

"Who you calling?" He said, holding it out of my reach.

"Give me my phone." I said, holding my hand out.

"Who you calling?" He asked.

"The police. I asked you to leave. You still here. Last time I checked your name is not on my lease. So either escort yourself out or the police will." I said calmly. He looked at me hard.

"Really? That's what you doing?" He asked.

"Yes Will. I'm tired OK? Three years tho? I've wasted three entire years on you because i thought you were worth it. Obviously not." I said, as tears streamed down my face.

"If I'm not worth it why you took me back the first time I cheated?"

"Because Will! I loved you! You told me you were drunk and I believed every word you said cause you told me to trust you and stupid me, I did. Now get out!" I exclaimed.

"Jess please..." He began but I cut him off.

"Please my ass. Make your exit." I said, walking to the kitchen. Just leave. But he had to follow.

"You really want me gone?"

"Your still here?! Nigga kick rocks!! Be gone. The fuck outta my home." I said.

"If I walk out the door right now and don't look back, will you miss me?"

"Sure. I miss you just as much as I miss petty girls. Never." Lie. Imma miss him like crazy.

"Your lying." He said. I picked up my tablet and scrolled through IG. Ask me if I care that he's talking to me. Go ahead and ask I'll wait......

"You would miss me. You'd miss us being together every single day. You'll miss me coming over just so I could see you. You would miss me sneaking into your house at 5am in the morning just cause I couldn't sleep at mines. You would miss me." He said. I sighed and liked a random picture.

"If your finished I would like for you to get your extra shit you left here. If not I'm sure Goodwill could find some use for it." I said not sparing him a look. I know for a fact that he hates to be ignored. He hates when your not listening. So that's just what I did. He walked up to me and snatched the tablet.

"Don't fucking ignore me." He said angrily. I glared at him.

"Don't you dare tell me what I should do. You're not my nigga no more. And frankly, I'm still pissed that you haven't made your way to the outside of that door frame. Nigga bounce." I said. I walked over to the counter and grabbed a water bottle but turned around.

"And don't forget your Shit. Cause I will give all of that mess away." I said. I walked to the living room and sat down. I turned on the t.v. and watched family guy. Let's be honest, I wasn't watching that Shit. I was mind boggled. Will came in right behind me and turned off the t.v.

"What do you want now?" I asked impatient. Just go, so I can start the healing process. Then he did the last thing I was thinking of. He got down on his knees.

"Will don't." I said, sternly.

"Shut up." He said. I rolled my eyes. Bout tired of his shit.

"I'm sorry. OK. I can't loose you. Not today. Not ever. I love you too much to do that. I'll never find someone that cares for me as much as you do. I'll never get as much love as you give me from any girl. I'll willing to do damn near anything to get your trust back. Tell me and it's done." He said. Tears streamed out of his eyes as he spoke. Nervousness was seen all in his face.

"Will I can't. What if this Shit happens again. I won't know what to do with myself. I'm tired." I said.

"I know and it's my fault. I don't even have a valid reason why. You give me everything I need and more and I just-" he trailed off shaking his head.

"Will I don't need this right now at all. I can't have the guy I loved since highschool to keep cheating on me. I can't." I explained.

"If you take me back I promise I won't."

"And how am I supposed to trust that you wont? You lost all my trust." I said.

"I'll earn it back. Whatever I have to do. Consider it done. Just please Jess. Please don't break up with me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said. He wrapped his arms around waist.

"I'm sorry too Will. But sorry ain't enough." I said. He sniffed and looked at me and smiled a little.

"I understand. But Imma tell you this. Imma get you back. Whatever it takes. You make me better. A better everything. A better man. A better artist. Everything. I can live my life without you and believe me I won't. Yeah I do stupid shit but the smartest thing I've ever done was choose you to be mine and I'll be damned to.let you go. Imma go and work on me to be better for us. So o can be a better man. A man who doesn't cheat but provide. Who doesn't steal, but earns. So ma earn your trust back if it's the last thing I do." He said and walked out the house. I stared at the door and sighed heavily.

"Why you ain't just start with that?"

😪😪😪💔💔💔 Imma miss him....


2 in one day?! What?! I know. But yo, Will shouda never cheated. Sorry is almost never enough. I think I wanna get nasty next chapter. What y'all think? Anyways I watched game 5 of the NBA Finals. I swear I thought that was gonna be the last game. Who y'all with? GSW OR CAVS? Lemme know. Love you guys!!!(Y'all better say it back..) lmao I'm just playing.



Whatever else you do to show you love it.

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