The Nerd (part. 3)

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!Mature Content¡
_Will's POV_

Nervous is an understatement. It's Saturday night and today is my first date with Angel. She is extremely beautiful and amazing. Since Monday, when I asked her, I've gotten Alot more nervous around her than usual. I gave her my first kiss. She knows that. I don't know how she feels about it. I've been awkward around her. I haven't kissed her since then. Did I know where I was going to take her? Yes. I know I don't want to go to the movies cause it's played out asf. Am I right?

Anyway. I pulled my phone out and sent her a good morning text.

Morning Beautiful

I sent the message and went downstairs to be greeted by my mom.

"Hey baby. Take a seat and eat these pancakes." She said, sliding a plate of pancakes my way. I picked up my fork and was about to dig in before my phone beeped. I hurriedly grabbed my phone and sure enough it was a text from Angel.

Good morning handsome. I can't wait for our date tonight!!😘❤

I smiled and texted back.

Me too. I'll pick you up around 8 tonight so be ready.

I smiled widely before picking up my fork stuffing my mouth. I guess my mom saw me.

"Uh Huh. And who you texting that got you smiling like that?" She asked. I smiled and swallowed before speaking.

"Her name is Angel. She is gorgeous ma I'm telling you. I'm talking beauty beyond compare." I said. She smiled at me.

"She sounds pretty." She said. I looked at my mom like she crazy.

"Pretty is an understatement ma. She smart, nice and she got a nice body to be honest." I said, blushing at the thought of her body. My mom smiled and shook her head.

"Is this Angel your girlfriend?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"No but I want her to be. I'm taking her on a date tonight." I said sheepishly. My mom looked at me with a smile.

"Where are you taking her?" She asked me.

"I'm taking her to Olive Garden." I said, smiling as if I accomplished something. Momma looked at me like I killed Micheal Jackson.

"Boy if you don't..." She began, reminding me of the vine. I gave her a confused look.

"What? Olive Garden ain't bad. Is it?"

"It ain't that bad. If you tryna take your side piece to dinner. You want her to be your girlfriend Will. You gotta work for what you want." She said. I nodded. Well I gotta come up with a whole new plan.

_Angels POV_
_Time For the date_

Nervous was an understatement. I've been on plenty of dates, but somehow Wills was a bit different. It was 7 and he was coming at 8. I got in the shower using my strawberry wash. I got out and got ready. I was satisfied with my appearance. I walked down the stairs and grabbed all my necessities. My parents aren't home as usual. Their on a business trip. As soon as I sat down my doorbell rang. Butterflies immediately erupted. I grabbed all my things and walked to the door. I opened it and he looked so fucking good. He dressed casually and he pulled it off. He didn't have his glasses on and his eyes were like damn.

"Hi Angel. You ready?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled and reached his hand out to me which I took. He opens the door for me and I slid in. He is completely sweet. He got in and started the car.

"So, where are we going?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm not telling you baby girl. Just sit back and enjoy yourself." He said. I had to do a double take, his deep voice was life. I think I'm going to enjoy myself.

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