The Nerd (part. 2)

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-Will's POV-

That Big fight happened on Friday. I met a girl. Her name is Angel. To me she really is an angel. She probably save my life. She came to my house on Saturday and Sunday and she even hung out with me a bit. Don't laugh but she is probably the first friend I've had since I started high school.

I pulled up to the school and I just sat there. I know what's gonna happen when I walk in the school. Justin's gonna come for me. Hard. That's only because Angel stopped him last time. I'm nervous and a little scared. But I'm taking Angel advice and fight back. I dressed as if I was ready for a fight. I wasn't gonna walk in there and be like "where the hell Justin at?!" Hell Naw I'm not stupid. I was dressed in grey sweatpants and a black shirt. And black shoes. I'm not looking for a fight but I'm prepared for one. Do I know how to fight? -_- I don't know.

I took a deep breath and got out of my car. I find my reading glasses and carried my bookbag on my back. A first. I took my time as I made my way up to the school. Of coarse, everyone pointed at me and laughed. I shrugged it off like always. I got to my locker and opened it. I stuffed my bookbag in and took off my glasses, setting them on the shelf. Almost an instinct I jumped back cause someone shut my locker shut. Justin.

"Wassup lil bitch. I see you been hanging with Angel." He said smirking. I looked at the smirk of the nigga that's been fucking with me since freshmen year and I immediately got mad.

"Yeah. And?" I said with an attitude. He looked shocked.

"Well I'll be damned. He actually speaks." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Not today man. Please. I don't fight but I will fight back. A whole crowd already crowded us. He took a step closer and out of habit I flinched and took a step back. He noticed and chuckled.

"I still gotta beat yo ass son I-" I interrupted him.

"I'm not your son." I said. My father wasn't in my life and ain't nobody but my momma claiming me as their son. Justin gritted his teeth and jacked me up against the lockers.

"I don't know what's gotten into you son..., but don't try to make me look stupid." He said. I gritted my teeth. Don't call me son.

"I don't have to try to hard. Considering that your IQ is equal to that of a 12 year old." I said. He pushed me on the floor and everyone Oohhh at it. I stood up as he came up to me fury in his eyes.

"Tryna make me look stupid!!" He screamed as he threw a punch at me. I ducked and tripped falling against the lockers. He came at me as I scrambled to get up. Tackle him. I told myself. He swung another punch and it connected with my cheek. I leaned down and picked him up slamming him on the ground.

"Oh Shit! Worldstar!!!" People screamed. I wasn't worried bout that I just needed to survive.  He groaned but quickly turned us around and begin to throw shot at my face. I covered my face as he threw multiple blows. This is bad. I should've kept quiet but it all changed when I heard her call me.

"Will!!" Angel said from somewhere. I opened my eyes and felt a surge of strength. I quickly flipped us over and sent a quick blow to his face before I got up. I don't beat people up. I tried to walk away but he wasn't having that. He pushed me into the crowd and they scattered.

"Get up son. Fight back." He said. I got up and turned to him angrily. He punched me and I dodged. I punched him in his stomach. He bent down and clutched his stomach. I kneed him in the face and he got up with a bleeding nose. I punched him and he fell to the floor.........

I did it. I beat the bully. Awe Shit. Finally. I walked over to him as he rolled on the floor in pain. I almost felt bad. Almost. Everyone was quiet, shocked and surprised just like me. I squatted down next to him.

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