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Gabrielle's POV

It's Saturday! Saturday! Gotta work out on Saturday..... Lemme stop. Anyway, every Saturday night I decide to go to the gym. After all I need to keep this body in shape. I go to the only gym that stays open 24 hours. I like to go at midnight because it's better and I like to be alone. I parked my car in a damn near empty parking lot and grabbed my essentials to survive this workout. Walking up to the gym I wasn't really expecting anyone. So it surprised me to see someone there. It was a guy, looked around my age. He was on the darker side not much hair but his waves were swimming. He was benching atleast 250. His muscles were freaking huge. I'm talking veines popping and all. I shook my head. I don't know dude name and I'm acting like I have a crush. Anyway he was simply lifting weights. I walked over to the incline and set it at a 45° angle. I turned up my music and started to walk up the incline. I quietly hummed to Wrist by Chris Brown. I was vibing to the music pushing self to go as long as I could. I then felt a presence beside me. I looked over to see that guy. He was watching me. I locked eyes with him and he smiled. I smiled back sweetly and took out my headphones.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good. Thanks. I'm Gabby by the way." I said. He stood up and made his way to me.

"I'm Will." He said, shaking my hand. He looked hella familiar now that I see his face clearly. Where could I've seen his face.

"Nice to meet you. You look familiar. Have we met before?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Naw. I would've remembered your face." He said. I smiled. He took a look over at my machine.

"45° angle? That's it?" He said. I scoffed, playfully.

"Oh please, like you could do better." I said.

"Bet I can."

"Bet you can't." I said. He chuckled.

"Okay. Let's make a deal. If I can go longer on a 60° than you can at 45° I get to take you out for dinner." He said.

"And if I win?" I ask. He shrugged.

"You choose that."he said. I thought about it for a second before I came up with an idea.

"If I win, you do 100 sit-ups." I said. He frowned.

"Dang 100?" He asked.

"100." I said. He smiled.

"Well I guess I better win then." He said. We got on our incline Tread mills as they laid flat. We put them on the right incline. Me at 45° and him at 60°. Before we began he looked at me.

"So where you wanna go for dinner? Anywhere special." He said. I giggled.

"Actually I was planning on staying home. But your abs will be crazy defined after them 100 push-ups tho." I said. He chuckled as we put our hands on the start button.

"Do the honors." He said.

"Gladly. Ready.... Set.... Go!!"

-2 Hours later-
I walked into the pretty Italien restaurant and looked around. Before you ask. No I didn't lose. I won actually. He did all 100 push-ups but, I still agreed to go to dinner with him. Why not? He cute as hell.

"Gabrielle!!" I heard Will call. I walked over to the table and took a seat.

"Hi." I greeted. He smiled.

"Hey. I thought you wasn't gonna show up." He said. I giggled.

"Why do you say that?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Ion know. Just assumed." He said. Just them a women came over to our table.

"Are y'all ready to order or what?" She asked. Bitch.....rude.

"Can I get a chicken Alfredo and a coke." I said. She nodded.

"What about you?" She said.

"Lemme get the same thing." He said. She rolled her eyes.

"Girl why you ain't just say lemme get two orders of chicken Alfredo and 2 cokes. Coulda made my job 2% easier." She said and walked away.

"What the hell? I said. Will shook his head.

"Would you think a nigga rude if I cussed her out?" He asked. Almost like a switch flipped. I remembered where I've seen him from.

"Oh snap. I remember where I've seen you from." I said. He smiled.

"And where is that?" He asked.

"Instagram. You do videos in a car. You rap right? Was it Uhm...Will Got The Juice?" I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. That's me." He said I giggled.

"Took me long enough." I said. He chuckled.

"I guess so." He said.


Will took me home. Dropping me off at my home. He even walked me to the doorstep.

"I had fun with you. I guess your pretty cool." I said. He scoffed playfully.

"You guess? Girl I'm the flyers youngin you ever met." He said. I made a face.

"Okay. Whatever you say." I said. He chuckled.

"Why you playing me?"

"Your not an Xbox and I'm not a fan of games. So therefore your not being played." I said smartly. He shook his head.

"You got a smart mouth on you." He said.

"Do I?"

"Yes you do Gabby." He said. I giggled.

"I'm just playing Will. I had a great time tonight. Thanks for taking me out." I said. He smiled.

"Your welcome. Hopefully this won't be our last." He said.


"Honestly I already know what our next date is going to be." He said.

"Is that so? And what will that be?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. At the gym. We're gonna workout." He said. I giggled. He is so silly.

"Yeah Yeah. Goodnight Will." I said. I kissed him on the cheek and attempted to walk on the house. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. He kissed my lips softly and I couldn't help but appreciate the softness of his lips. Dear God, has blessed him. He pulled away softly and smiled.

"Goodnight Gabby." He said, backing away. I smiled, trying to hide my blush.

"Goodnight Will." I said before pushing my front door open. I walked into the living room and lied out. All that crossed my mind was, tomorrow I'm about to have one hell of a Workout.


How do y'all feel about this chapter? Yes. No. Maybe. So. Lemme know in the comments. Also give me some request. If you already requested something and I haven't got to it yet....request it again. Love you guys. Now for my MB update...


Did anybody watch Mike River on Facebook live?! Please tell me you did. Y'all he said my name. The child said my name.👐👐 It gave me life all over. I was like Yaaass nigga! I actually have a video of him saying my name and singing #songcry. If you want to see any of them PM me.



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