3 // Opposite Day

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*Spoilers for TWD season 6 mid premiere once again*

We all settled down and turned The Walking Dead on. It was starting out good so far. I liked the theme song, it wasn't a song that someone sang. It was just a strange yet cool beat. 

There was this guy who blew up this biker gang in the beginning with a grenade launcher. I could already tell who my favorite character was. 

Near the middle, that's when shit hit the fan, I saw who Chandler and Austin were in the show. Apparently, Austin was this douche named Ron and Chandler was a main character with a sheriff's hat. It didn't have the badge though. It was weird seeing how Ron was so different compared to Austin.

Ron's little brother and Mom got torn apart by "walkers" and he aimed his gun at this guy named Rick,who was Carl's Dad. This really cool woman with a katana stabbed Ron from the back though. Austin wasn't lying, he did die in that episode. I did notice that the gun went off when he got stabbed. I was worrying about Carl, he wasn't in the shot right then. Rick looked over at Carl and his eye was missing! 

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I shouted at the tv. 

Everyone laughed. I ignored them and grabbed more popcorn. I was sitting between everyone and there wasn't a lot of room. We were all squished in, but at the same time it wasn't that bad. Ron was to my left and he took his phone to take a selfie of all of us. 

"Squad goals!" he exclaimed. We all looked over and smiled. I held a peace sign in front of my face to look... chill. He chuckled and started typing something along the picture. He turned his phone off and everyone else's phone went off except mine. I forgot. 

I wasn't following them on any social media. 

I quickly came up with a solution with that before. I went on my phone and went on Twitter to look up all three of their names. Luckily, that was their names on their accounts. I quickly followed them and looked at Austin's status. The picture looked really good and below he obviously put 'Squad Goals' with all of our accounts tagged. He must have gotten mine from Alex, he'd give anything away just for The Walking Dead cast. I didn't have a problem with it though. I liked the picture and turned my phone off. 


The episode had a really good ending to it. The show was actually really ... awesome, but I didn't want to admit that to anyone. Especially because my family's been trying to convince me to watch it for years. 

"Oh, guys, there's this song that I've been obsessed with forever!" Brianna exclaimed turning on her phone.  She hooked her phone up to a speaker near by and pushed play. She started dancing and I realized that I knew that song as well. 

"I'm Yours by Alessia Cara?" I asked Brianna. She grinned and nodded. 

"It's good to know someone has a good taste unlike other people." She joked sarcastically glancing over at Chandler. He laughed and put his hands up. 

"Hey, we both like dubstep at least. But stuff like this... I'm good. I don't mind it though considering I'm going to have to deal with it a little while." He explained and took Brianna's hand. She giggled as they wrapped their arms around each other. They started to dance together. I smiled at them. They did look good together, I'll admit that. Sometimes, I just feel that celebirity couples are usually fake, but Brianna and Chandler didn't seem that way. 

I noticed a hand reached out to me when I looked down. I saw that it was Austin. He was smiling at me and kept his hand out. 

"I'll understand if you don't want to, but it's always worth a shot asking." I started to smile back. There was just something about Austin that made me feel different inside. 

"I would like to and all, but I can't dance." 

I know, typical girl can't dance scenario, but I honestly couldn't. I never thought of it as interesting, but I said the same thing about The Walking Dead. He grinned. 

 "I'll show you," I took his hand and he placed his hands onto my shoulders."These stay here." He shook my hands lightly and he let them go. He placed his hands on my waist. It felt weird for a short second , but I got used to it a second later. I couldn't help, but laugh. This was somewhat awkward. I couldn't imagine how much it was for Alex though. He didn't have anyone to dance with. Usually, Alex was the one who had someone to dance with at hang outs like these. 

But apparently today was opposite day

~~~ Austin's POV ~~~

I couldn't believe that Y/N actually said yes. It's odd for me to admit this... considering we just met today, but I think I'm falling for her. 

I was not going to ask her out... today. I knew the perfect idea on how to though. I hoped she would say yes when I asked her this as well. 

The song ended and I let go of Y/N. She seemed a little disappointed, but that could've been me thinking she was. 

Suddenly, I saw something flash out of the corner of my eye. I freaked when I realized it was a camera. We weren't the only ones at my house. I quickly closed all of the curtains in the living room. 

"Crap, how the hell did they know I lived here!?" I exclaimed. 

"Who knows? Crazy fangirls and their shit these days." Chandler muttered to himself. 

I groaned. "They won't be able to take any more pictures. Thank God." 

Suddenly, all of our phones beeped. 

I looked at it and saw that one of my fans tweeted both Y/N and I. It was a picture of us dancing. 

The tweet said : @AustinAbrams @Y/NL/N   Do you really think you can hide relationships from us? Don't worry, we already ship it!

I groaned again, but responded to the person who posted that. 

@Daysystrix We are not a thing. We were just dancing.

Y/N must have saw the tweet because she placed one of her hands on my shoulder. 

"It's fine, Austin. This will die down in a couple of days." she said and we hugged for a short amount of time. I wanted it to last longer though. 

"I don't know, Y/N. This isn't some high school rumor. It might last longer than that." 

"Well, in my opinion, let them think what they want." She replied with an assuring smile. It made my face feel a little warm.

"Good thing we have the same opinion." 

~~~ Chandler's POV ~~~

We had left Austin's place and I was dropping Brianna off. She look upset as if she was about to cry.

"Bri-Babe, what's wrong?" I asked wrapping my arm around her. 

"I-I think we need a break." she blurted out. I wanted to keep my arm wrapped around her, but I knew that it would've been awkward if I did. I put my arm back on my lap. 

"I don't understand, did I do something wrong?" I panicked. 

"No, no, it's nothing like that," she sighed. "I need to just have time being by myself for a little while. I don't know how long, but promise me that you won't pressure me to be back with you anytime soon."  A tear fell onto her cheek and she wiped it away. 

"I won't, but I need to ask you one thing. What about the paparazzi? They're going to realize we aren't hanging out as much as we used to." I wondered. 

"We'll tell them the truth, I don't mind it. Hopefully our fans will understand." she replied. I nodded in agreement and hugged her goodbye. She got out of the car and I drove back home. 


What do you guys think ? Am I going too fast? Do you think Austin and Y/N will become a couple for a little before ... you know what happens ? Lemme know in the comments, it makes my day. :)

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