5 // First Date

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~~~ Y/n's POV ~~~ 

While Austin was driving me back home, I was texting Alex about everything that happened. I couldn't believe that I kissed him before he could even ask me out! That was also my first kiss. It was everything I had hoped it would be like. Alex seemed happy for me, but also gave me the big brother speech about how he will beat up his ass if he does anything to harm me. I told him not to worry about it for now. 

When he dropped me off, I kissed him on the cheek and went inside. I felt sadness rise inside of me when Austin drove out of my street. I also felt excited ..... it was official.... S/n (Ship name) existed.

I entered my home and Alex hugged me. He was squeezing me to death like he usually did. I punched his back with my fist letting him know that was way too much. He apologized and I laughed. 

"Don't worry about it. So, how's life going for you?" I took off my shoes and jumped onto the couch. "You obviously know how I'm doing." I added. He shrugged his shoulders and sat on the other couch we had which was smaller than the one I was on. 

"Same old, same old." he replied. I grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned the tv on. It was f/t (Favorite tv show). I leaned my head onto the palm of my hand and stretched across the couch.

"I feel like you're not telling me something...." I blurted. My eyes started to grow heavy, but I was not ready to fall asleep. I had so much to process before I closed my eyes. 

"Umm....well...." he itched the back of his head. Okay, now he wanted me to know what it was. 

"That pretty much means you're going to tell me." I claimed. That was basically the I-don't-want-to-tell-you-but-I'm-gonna-tell-you move. Very cliche. He chuckled, knowing it was true. 

"Yeah, you're my twin, I should know this stuff by now," I laughed and continued watching f/t. I waited for him to continue what he wanted to tell me. 

Normally, I would by on my knees begging for Alex to say what he was going to say, but I was tired and my whole body felt like slime. The kind of slime that drooped all over the place. 

"Ugh, I promised him I wouldn't tell you!" he groaned. 

I sat up after that. 

What did he mean? 

Who was he talking about? 

I gave him a look as in I didn't give a shit and I wanted to know what was going on. I hated feeling left out. 

"Fine," he crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. "Chandler doesn't really think you and Austin are a good couple. He thinks that something bad might happen." 

I did not understand the mind of boys at all. I honestly didn't care what Chandler or anyone else thought. I could see Chandler's point as well, we just started dating and I didn't want to go too fast either. 

I slumped onto the back of my couch and smiled. "Really, that was it?" He breathed in a breath of relief when I had the reaction he thought I wouldn't have. 


"Well, I'm going to bed, later dude." I exclaimed standing up and smacking Alex's forehead playfully. He tried to stop me , but he was too slow. 

I went to my bedroom and let my eye lids fall over when my body met my bed. 

~~~ Chandler's POV ~~~

I parked my car at the school parking lot and got out. 

After, there were at least a hundred pictures of Austin and Y/n kissing all over Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, etc. I felt a slight feeling that something wrong was going to happen. I knew it was none of my business and that I should've stayed out of it, but I just couldn't. 

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