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"So Poppy, tell us about yourself!" Jordan said as he sat on the beanbag opposite the sofa.
"Well I was born here in Yorkshire, I was raised by my older brother and his girlfriend and I have a kitten called Squash" I said as they laughed. "Squash? Really Pops?" Oli laughed as I hit him playfull.
"That's it! Jordan open my door!" Oli shouted as i ran and hid behind Vegan.
"Matt help me!" I screeched as Oliver threw me over his shoulder.
"Thanks a lot Matt!" I laughed as Oliver threw me on his bed. I pulled him down with me and laughed. "Oliver i havent got any pyjamas" I pouted. He stood and and opened his draws, he threw me a pair of shorts and a tank top.
"Thank you, where's the bathroom?" I asked.
"Down the hall the second door on your right" He smiled, that smile will be the death of me. As I walked down the hall I had to step over piles of clothes and empty food containers, lovely. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door, i looked at myself in the mirror,
"nobody loves you Poppy, you're pathetic, Oliver doesnt care, Matt doesnt care, Nichols doesnt care, Jordan doesnt care, Lee doesnt care. You're going nowhere" My mind screamed. I backed up to the wall and slid down untill i hit the floor, why didnt I jump? I pulled my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs.
"Pops you okay love?" Nichols asked as he knocked on the door. I held my hand over my mouth to cover my crying.
"Poppy sweetheart anwser us please" Jordan pleaded.

(Matt Nicholls POV)

"Move out my way I need to piss" I laughed as i pushed past Vegan.
"No man Poppy's in there" Oli said as he sat on the sofa.
"How did you meet her?" Lee asked.
"I was driving across the bridge up town and I saw her standing on the edge of it ready to jump, I pulled over and persuaded her to get down" I heard Oli say. As I reached the bathroom i heard crying "Pops you okay love?" I asked as I knocked on the door. No anwser. I ran back into the living room.
"Jordan come here quick" I almost shouted. Jordan stood up and followed me.
"Dude whats going on?" He asked. "Poppy's in there crying and she won't answer me, what if she?" I said as I ran my hands through my hair. "Poppy sweetheart, answer us please" Jordan pleaded as he rested his head on the door.
"I'm getting Oli" I said as I ran into the living room.
"Oli come quick now!" I shouted. Oli immeditatly stood up and followed me.
"Whats happened?" He said as he reached the bathroom.
"Poppy's in there, shes not anwsering us, we're worried she might've" I panted as Jordan knocked on the door.
"Let me try" Oli whispered.

(Oli's POV)

"Pops let me in please love" I said gently. No answer.
"Poppy please love answer me" I sighed and looked at Jordan&Nichols, "I'm gonna go in, i'll let you know whats happened when i've spoken to her" I whispered, they nodded and walked off.
"Pops i'm coming in" I said as I opened the door, I looked around and saw Poppy crying with her knees pulled into her chest.
"Oh Poppy" I sighed as I sat next to her and pulled her into my side. "What's the matter sweetheart?" I said as she cried into my chest.
"I don't deserve to be alive" she sobbed.
"Yes you do Pops, you are beautiful and amazing, you so deserve to be alive, we are all here for you Poppy" I said as I looked into her eyes.
"I'm gonna help you Poppy"

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Oli's a happy helper

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now