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"You got any plans for tonight?" Oli asked as he sat down. I shook my head and put all the pictures back in the box.
"Good because you and me are going out for dinner okay?" Oli said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled as kissed him softly, the taste of coffee lingering on his lips.
"I missed you Pops" He whispered as he rested his forehead on mine.
'I missed you too" I giggled as he pulled me onto his lap.
"Where's Jack?" I asked as i sipped my coffee.
"He's at my Mum&Dad's for the weekend so its just Me&You!" Oli smiled as took my coffee and drunk a bit.
"Go get dressed we need to go food shopping" He laughed as he played with my hair. I sighed and went upstairs and changed into a pair of ripped skinnys, my Drop Dead Purfect crop top and a pair of Black Converse. I applied a small line of eyeliner to each eye and brushed over my lashes with mascara.
"Poppy you ready?" Oli shouted from downstairs.
"One second!" I shouted back before pulling my navy hair into a high ponytail. I skipped down the stairs to see Oli taking a selfie.
"Well well well, being vain as always Oliver" I laughed as i crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.
"Come 'ere and smile" He said as he pulled me next to him taking a picture of us.
"i love you" he laughed as he kissed me softly.

"Can we go home now? I've had enough of shopping" I moaned as Oli unloaded the shopping into the car. "Get in the car while i take this back" He said as he kissed me. I opened the car door and a note fell out, i opened it,

"Be careful what you do Worsnop, i'm everywhere"

I looked around but there was nobody in sight. I got into the car and turned on the radio. Crappy chart music ugh. I opened the glove compartment and pulled out Of Mice&Men's "The Flood" as i opened the case another note fell out.

"I'm closer than you think, Don't worry about watching your back. I'm watching it for you"

"You okay love?" Oli asked as he climbed into the car, almost giving me a heart attack. "Yeah im fine" I lied looking down. "I know your lying" He said as he looked at me. "What's this piece of paper?" He asked as he grabbed it from my hand. "No Oliver please don't please he'll hurt you" I cried as he read the notes. "What do you mean?" He asked in a confused tone. "They'll hurt you because i told you" I sobbed. He reached over and pulled me into a hug. "Nothing's going to hurt us Poppy, i wont let it happen. I Promise" he whispered as he stroked my hair. "Let's get you home, we can cuddle up on the couch and watch Finding Nemo okay? Forget about these Pops, nothing will happen" Oli said as he looked me in the eyes. I nodded and put on my seat belt.

"Babe whats the time?" I yawned as i looked up at Oli who was half asleep. "Wake up!" I shouted as i flicked his nose. "Ouch, okay that deserves a tickle!" He shouted as i dived on the floor trying to protect myself from being tickled.
"No, Oliver, Stop, Please" I laughed as he tickled me while straddling my waist.
"Ow you hurt my neck" I pouted as he gave me a cheeky grin.
"Aw babe im sorry, let me kiss it better" He said as he leaned down and started kissing&biting my neck. I pulled his lips to mine and licked his lower lip, asking for enterance, he accepted letting me adventure. I pulled at the hem of his shirt and bit his lip causing him to let out a deep moan. He lifted his shirt off reveling his collection of tattoos on his chest and stomach. Pulling my shirt over my head, we continued kissing, biting eachothers lips causing us to moan in pleasure. He slowly pushed my jeans off leaving me in just my underwear and my bra. Lifting me up, Oli placed me on the sofa before removing his own trousers. A cheeky grin plastered on his face as he straddled my waist once again. Slowly kissing my weak spot, making his way past my breasts, onto my stomach and finally my hips, causing me to let out a loud moan. He looked up at me a flashed his cheeky smile before pulling my knickers down with his teeth. His lips once again met mine as i pushed down his Drop Dead boxers.
"Ready?" He whispered in my ear, biting down on my lower lip i nodded and waited for Oliver to make his move. He slowly pushed himself into me, gradually thrusting harder and faster, sweat dripping off his tattooed body.
"We both moaned as his thrusts grew slower and sloppier. He leaned down and bit on my neck leaving a trail of lovebites along my collarbones. I managed to flip us over so i was on top, still thrusting, Oliver pulled me down to his level letting me kiss and bite his neck leaving my own trail of lovebites. Oliver finally pulled himself away, standing up and pulling on his boxers, tossing my knickers,
"Well i could get used to that" He laughed as he leaned down and kissed me.

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sorry for the shitty smut

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now