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(Trigger Warning)

We arrived at the club, as we walked in we were surrouded by sweaty guys and girls with hardly any clothes on. I sighed and looked at Oliver,

"I Know you dont like this kinda stuff love but just relax" He said into my ear, i nodded and grabbed his hand, interwining our fingers.

"What'd you want to drink Pops?" Lee asked as we all sat down in a booth. "Umm Vodka&Red bull please" I said as the guys looked at me in shock.

"If you're a lightweight you're fucked Poppy!" Nichols said as Vegan nodded, I shrugged my shoulders and pulled Oliver onto the dance floor. He gave me a cheeky smile and pulled me close to him,

"You know you're the most beautiful girl here" He whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Jordans got our drinks!" I smiled, trying to hide my blushing. 4 Drinks later and everyone was shit faced, well apart from Me,Emma and Vegan.

"Hey Lee wheres Oli?" I asked as he downed another shot.

"He was talking to some girl over there and i havent seen him since" He slurred as he ordered another drink. I sighed and walked through the crowds looking for Oliver, I saw him and headed towards him until i was knocked over.

"Im so sorry, oh my god are you okay? Are you hurt?" a boy panicked as he helped me up. I let out a little laugh and looked at him

"Im fine sweetheart, thank you for the concern though" I smiled as he let go of my hand.

"Im Jesse" He smiled as he stuck out his hand,

"Im Poppy, i should get going, it was nice meeting you!" I Smiled as i shook his hand.

"Wait can i at least have your number?" He laughed as i blushed. I nodded and handed him my phone, he put in his number and handed me back my phone.

"See you around Poppy" he smiled as he disappearded into the crowd.

I made my way through the crowds and saw Oliver, kissing another girl, pushing her up against the wall. I felt hot tears flowing down my cheeks, "We're Over!" i screamed as he turned around, pushing the girl away.

"No Pops please love its not what it looks like!" he slurred as he came after me.

"It's exactly what it looks like! You were kissing another girl Oliver! Not me, A STRANGER" I Screamed. "Poppy dont you dare walk away from me" He shouted.

"It's over Oliver! You blew it!" I cried, i turned around and started walking out of the club.

"Fine! I don't need you and you're depressing arse! You're nothing to me! I hate you!" He screamed as i took off my heels and started running towards the bus. I opened the door and ran straight to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and grabbed my make up bag, searching through it. Bingo. I pulled out my razor, staring at it. I closed my eyes and slid the blade across my skin, the cold metal leaving a chill, cut after cut, they got deeper and deeper. I Found a tissue and grabbed my eyeliner penicl and started writing.

To Whoever Finds Me,

I'm sorry you have to see me like this but it's what i want, Emma i love you like a sister, i know we just met but you're like my sister and my bestfriend. Nichols, i'll miss your childish humour and sticking fags through your tunnels, Jordan, thank you for being there since the day I met you you've been nothing but loving&welcoming, Lee, i'll miss you short stack, dont lose your beanie bro, Vegan, you're such a strange guy but you're such a sweetheart. Oliver, i dont know what to say to you, I know i promised you i wouldn't but i can't live like this. im sorry.

I love you all.

Peace, Love, Sex&Punk Rock,

Poppy Elizabeth Worsnop.

I grabbed the razor and dragged it across one last time. I let out a small smile and lied on the floor. Sweet, Sweet Death.

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okay i in no way whatsoever mean to offend or upset anyone okay, ily

It Was Written In Blood // Oli SykesWhere stories live. Discover now